Sunday, March 18, 2018

When Peaceful Voices Become Harmful

This world is so confused that the balance has tilted to illogical conclusions.

When male or female get so extremely angry over their own agenda, the positive changes the opinions might have provided to heal the situation becomes ineffective.

If we all could continue in the agenda without hatred for those who disagree the outcome would be  more likely to happen.

Extremist in every opinion, including less obvious ones, such as animal/child/environment protection always leads to violence and that is what we think we are trying to dissipate.

Every discussion is better when entered in with an open mind to listen and compromise.

Sages have taught this for thousands of years, there are many examples of how this works

One I heard recently was: we walk in the world and think our feet would better be protected if we had leather all over the world. The reality there is not enough leather to cover the world therefore it is more logical to put a pair of leather shoes on our own feet.

If world peace is to be, it begins with me, inside my mind. Yes we have to give everyone the right to disagree with me and still be respected without anger.

Thankful to see the freedom and kindness in this.

Image result for pema chodron quotes

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