Friday, March 2, 2018

Education is Key to UnLocking Fear

When I read more and more books the one thing that is evident in the evolution of anyone's mind it is ALWAYS accompanied by getting new information to use reason and logic to rid the mind of fear.  I love education of every subject and I believe in the individual to figure truth out in time as they study and seek logic.

This is why I love everyone.  I believe everyone is born with the same ability to reasonably and logicly figure out truth with enough time and space to think for themselves. Being in a family that had an authoritarian household, questioning parents was not allowed, made me crazy because I would not, I could not buy the things I was being taught because I witnessed 'Christians" (In the church we attended and family members) doing things against the Bible verses I was being taught in church.

If this happens enough when you are young, either accept your insane family's concepts that excuse the "Sinful" behavior and live in silent confusion and fear, or you set yourself free. I set myself free mentally before I was able to leave home, and then physically as soon as I could afford a life away from home.

My journey of rebellion and new education has been the most wonderful life of discovery and inner peace.  Humans are not stupid.  If enough light enters the mind, a joyful thought will erupt in time and happiness will become your norm with confidence to live a wonderful life.

Thank goodness for the internet worldwide, public education, public colleges, and public technical schools, that are educating people everywhere about the truth of what is going on in the world instead of relying solely on the media feeds or narrow minded family cultures.

In this discovery, I learned to forgive and see past the mistakes of our family, but I had to learn new information outside of home to do this.

The world is getting better every day.

Image result for i believe in the human mind of reason and logic for truth quotes

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