Monday, March 12, 2018

Now Go Deeper Who Is The Best Teacher?

You are, when it comes to learning about how to live life. Unfortunately we teach best what we learned the hard way.  We learn quicker when we teach ourself through daily practice.  You self- correct and this has a more meaningful impact if you see your own mistake and change.

No one likes anyone else to point out our own faults. No one can fix these but us. Is not it fantastic to know you can live and change at will? The right thing to do is always up to you alone. If you want things to change in your life, you have to seek new knowledge and do the changing. No one can do the work for you. No one needs to. You have a great mind and you have the power.

You are your best teacher. Thankful to know it is not my business to change you.

Image result for you are your own best teacher eckhart tolle

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