Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Don't Drink the Kool-Aid!

Watching, following, listening to speakers that seem to have a profound effect on the masses makes me wonder about things I never thought of before.  The main concern I have is how much people are influenced by a strong opinion confidently delivered as truth and act on it. Someone is trying to control you or help you. When the same results are not achieved you wonder why?  Maybe it is not for you. You need a different inspiration. One size does not fit all when it comes to personal transformation. No matter what the "leader" promises will absolutely happen, it may not for you.

Your mind may say, "Is something wrong with me?"
I say, " NO! A thousand times NO!"

One thing I have seen in this world is there are those who want your money and will do anything to get it.  To get your money, your attention has to be gotten first.  Once your attention is obtained, now through repetition you can be brainwashed that you need this or that, and if repetition does not touch your wallet, now you must be scared into buying it.

There are do gooders who really want to help and their way worked for them so it must work for you. If you do exactly as they did, you will get the same results.  But what if you don't get the same results? What if you don't want to be them, or do exactly as they did? What if you can't be exactly like them? Now what?

Turn off TV, turn off social media, turn off Youtube videos, walk in nature, sit in silence, get in tune with yourself, slow down, think for yourself. You will find you are enough and life is simple, joy is easily attained, kindness comes naturally, your purpose will reveal itself to you.

Ultimately you make the decision to do what you do, whether you were seduced into it or not. You are in control of your mind and actions.  Beware of who and what influences you. Don't drink the Kool-Aid because you like the taste of it, and someone said, "Do what I do." Investigate the formula to see if it is right for you, if you think not, don't do it. In time you will find your formula and you will know it because it works for you.

Thankful for inner peace. It is the one thing we all can have if we learn to sit in silence until we know.

Image result for byron katie quotes

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