Saturday, March 10, 2018

I Have Nothing in Common with You!

It is so easy to decide that with negative people I choose to not have in my life, I can say, I am not like you, we have nothing in common. My confusion may be in other areas not as obviously toxic as yours and I have said this to myself, but as I continue to study I look deeper within to see my own toxic behaviors that I still need to root out. I'm beginning to think this is going to require the rest of my life, so bring it.

The truth is I can and do choose who I spend my precious time here with in this life on earth, life is short, and I choose to spend the majority of time with positive, kind, strong hearts that respect different opinions and look to make the world a better place, not people who are concerned for their comfort and opinions only.

The Dalai Lama loves everyone but he does not allow everyone he meets to be around him every day. He chooses those on the same path he is taking. He knows others can distract him from his focus and this he will not be, distracted from his purpose. Look at anyone in control of their life, man or woman, their circle of confidants are on their wavelength or they are not in their circle of close friends or close workers.

The truth is one thing we all have in common with one another is we all know pain from loving and not being loved in returned.  In this we are connected and can have compassion for everyone we meet. The teachings to inner peace to be free from pain are on Youtube and in books. Everyone who studies and wants to change can and will. But everyone does not want to know the complete truth of self. It is always a choice.

Reaching a certain amount of comfort for most people eliminates the need to look further inside to go deeper. I love going deeper, deeper, into finding inner peace.  To realize I do connect with everyone, I love the journey of awakening.

Image result for pema chodron quotes

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