Saturday, March 17, 2018

Yeah I Pinched Him and I Liked It

That's right. Fifty years after high school, I do a prank learned in high school, I pinch my husband if he does not have on green on St. Patrick's Day. And I trick him to do it.

This morning we got up to go see a fundraiser tournament for the "Wounded Warriors" at a nearby ski resort. We got up early, we got dressed, I grabbed a silk neck scarf for later, black with pecan colored flowers and tiny green leaves design, one of my favorites. 

Sweetheart and I wore a warm black ensemble and our OBOZ hiking boots. Ready for the mountain.

We stopped for gas and just before he got out he gave me a kiss and said,"Happy St. Patrick's Day."  I say, "Are you wearing green?"

He, "No."

So I pinched him and jumped out of the car to get to my backpack in the back seat and said:
"I'm going to get on my neck scarf before you can pinch me back. I have green in my scarf!"

Sweetheart grins and gets out to pump the gas. when he gets back inside the car I have on my "green" so he cannot pinch me. Big deal eh? I do this to him every year, you'd think he'd get a clue and have something green on so I would not pinch him.

Then he tells me he used to wear orange every St. Patrick's Day in rebellion against tradition. I said, "Wow, I bet that really caused a riot! You really made a statement!"

He laughed. Maybe he likes to get pinched by me...ever think of that?

Image result for saint patricks day

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