There is another radical MD who dare write a book about not needing health care insurance instead each person taking responsibility for one's own health through correct fuel for the body and exercise.
Egads! What a quack to suggest a thing! You know I love innovative ideas that promote healthy lifestyles and unity among us all.
Hospitals, doctors, medicines are to be used in emergencies and surgeries only?
What no maintenance meds? You mean I need to learn to eat right to fuel my nervous system, meditate to calm stressful thoughts, and exercise to strengthen my body? What? I need to focus on my own life and the care of it instead of a quick fix with a pharmaceutical for every pain and fatigue I have? You can read his book for further info but be forewarned when you google him, he is a quack!
So is Dr. Daniel Amen but I went to his clinic and got great natural supplements with a back up plan that would include a pharmaceutical, I did not need the drug after following the plan.
Medicines can be good when there is a dire need,
after the diet and exercise discipline have been addressed by the individual. But we don't want anyone to tell us this. We want to eat whatever we want whenever we want, feel good while it is going down the hatch or not eat at all to be thin. Exercise? "Nope, don't have time." We are so busy doing what we have to do to get a paycheck that we really don't want to move at all if we don't have to. In reality this "I'd rather do what I feel like doing even it is bad for my body mentality," is screaming for someone outside of me to take care of me. Drugs will help. But no one can take care of you
totally, you have to do this. You take responsibility for your life, health, and body.
This author I speak of is a quack if you google him, Dr. Peter Glidden. He wrote:
The MD Emperor Has No Clothes: Everybody is Sick and I Know Why
He tells of the Flexner Report and this is where the medical university was bought to prescribe drugs in 1910-1920. You can google that to see what it entails. Basically introducing pharmaceuticals as the only viable remedy, excluding alternative methods that did not require medicine such as chiropractic, natural supplements, addressing diet of the patients. If you look at the two investors in this study, the Carnegies and Rockefellers you see they had a personal financial gain by this as they were heavily invested in pharmaceutical companies.
You see the more I read about people who come from big corporations, the more I see these people bet on the general public to do the wrong things, and they profit from it. Unfortunately these wrong things are superficial and short lived but there is a lot of money to be made on small minded people and their addictions that lead to a sickly life and early death, sometimes a painful death. And the general public takes the bait!
Think about it, what addictions do you and I have that we seek remedy through a quick fix?
Do we need to be constantly entertained? Pull out that iphone and now we are not bored. No space between the thoughts for a new and great idea to form, our mind is cluttered with ads, what someone else is saying about things that really don't concern us at all. These things can keep us stressed.
Are we bored? Let's eat something yummy, take a drug, drink alcohol, party, so we can zone out on that natural feeling that could catapult us into trying something new. What? Think for myself? Are we fatigued? Let's take a drug to make us sleep and then coffee or diet coke to wake us up. Our entire daily routine is run around what we have to do and eat or drink to get us moving instead of choosing a healthier alternative. Exercise, yoga, walk in the woods, meditation, read a relaxing book.
The other side of 50 will wake you up if you did not see the importance of eating right, exercising, meditating, keeping excess weight off, finding inner peace through controlling your mind, and not being dependent on pharmaceuticals or other people to make you feel good everyday before this age, you will get a wake up call.
Will I answer it or let the heavy patterns of self neglect be my norm for the last 30 years as I slide into death? I am choosing to address my own patterns of physical neglect, I'm focusing in a positive way on daily exercise and actually eating more than once a day.
The action that has benefited me the most over the last 60 years of my life is avoiding pharmaceuticals, seeking natural alternative healing, and taking control of my mind to be thankful and positive. These two actions has opened more opportunities to me because I thought for myself and found innovative ways to accomplish many things. Now my mind after 50, is teaching me to take care of this ageing body. I know none of us can prevent dying, but we can make it less painful through taking care of our body.
We can give ourselves better health care by eating correctly, regularly, and daily exercise, no smoking, alcohol, drugs, regardless...this is the least we can do for our health.
My sister-in-laws do a work out everyday and one of them is in her 70s! They are a great example to me personally, thankful to have these ladies in my life. "Now I gotst to get going...." 😅