Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Problem is No One Told Us This!"

My studies of the sages of this world has revealed some things I was never taught.  And I bet many of the people reading this were not taught either.  By now we all have knowledge that what we think we become and if you want different results next year we have to change our actions today.  This begins with our thoughts.

This world is results oriented.  We grow up thinking in a world that values diplomas, accomplishments, beauty, how much money we make, how much do we own, the size of our house, boat, plane, audience, how many of these do we have?  The truth is we are all here doing the best we can with whatever we were born into. And so we endeavor to do the things expected of us to be praised and accepted. to be heard and hopefully to be loved unconditionally forever by someone else so we will not be lonely.

Then society, religion, family, culture, tells us to be the best you have to get on a wave length of  one way of thinking, perfection.  Now we can get lost.

So modern "thought leaders" tell us to think positives 24/7.  To not let a negative come out of our mouth or to not speak a negative or we will attract bad things to our self, we did it, we caused it. The reality is:

"Negative things happen in life, we did not attract it, negative things happen, we cannot control everything.  To believe you attract everything good and bad to you is to cause you to be ashamed and guilty when things go wrong.  Once anger, self-righteousness, shame or guilt sets in, you self-condemn others or yourself . Now you are stuck in cyclic, non-productive behaviors that will not move you past circumstances.  Eventually you believe death is the only way. Death to a person, death to an ideology, death to a culture, and eventually death to you as a last result.

You see no one told us, "We can find the answers to every question we ask if we get still inside. No one told us bad things will happen in life that we did not attract but we can weather the storm with peaceful mind."

The answers are inside but we have lost our "stillness." Bad things happen we have no control over.  It is easier to change our perspective than the past.  Good things happen to people who rise above every bad thing in their life. People who learn from mistakes and bad circumstances beyond our control and move on. When kindness and concern for people comes first, then less problems will come to you personally.

Thankful to know the answer is in perspective of the mind, my mind, no one else change my mind or  do this for me or you. We are powerful if only we know.
Image result for this too shall pass

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