Sunday, April 1, 2018

Eckhart Tolle "Live" At The Beacon Theater

ET rocked the house as usual.  Sweetheart went with me on our date night.  Nice to see "the man" with my binoculars, I bought seats in the nosebleed section.  Whenever I go to see a speaker of any kind I'm happy to be in hearing distance, I have no need to be up in an orchestra section.

The Beacon Theater was beautiful. Small venue about 2800 seats, cozy.  The crowd was respectful as you would expect from his students.

The message he will speak is not advertised because he does not prepare it, he goes with the flow, whatever is on his mind is what he shares.  He teaches that when you are in the present moment this connection with universal consciousness will inspire you to speak, inspire you to move. There is a peace about living in the stillness that speaks.

Sweetheart and I talked about his teachings last night and this morning. I took notes last night as he taught. I have a small journal that I bought a while ago especially for ET, teaching points that resonate with me.  One fact he teaches is about knowing the difference between stating a fact and adding a judgment to it, two very different things.

Often I find it hard to explain a situation to another, the hard facts of it, without getting interrupted by a well-meaning person that tries to tell me it's not that bad, it's not true.  In reality I'm not expressing a judgment, I'm trying to tell the situation and a viewpoint to get a different point across.

Eckhart Tolle said, "Because he was not born with a beautiful body, he did not have the challenge of overcoming being in love with himself like so many people."

I have heard him express in other talks that he did not have a particularly attractive face and hair and in the past blamed this along with his shy personality for not getting female attention. This is a fact. The world does have a visual analysis of what is acceptable beauty and everyone can see for themself what it is.  It is not a judgment that others are worthless, it is not a judgement that the person has no right to live and speak, it is just a fact. I follow what he is saying, I think most men get it.  Men seem to operate out of a 5 senses focus more than females. Females want to look into another's person's reason for everything said and done.

I want to be more balanced, more peaceful. I think being a little less emotional, a little more surface logic, dealing with what we see, not what we think we know would make life easier to survive.

I guess it really comes down to listening more, talking less and minding my own business. Yeah, I'm aware, now I can work on it. Thankful to have a husband that humors my every adventure for my own clarity of thought and always comes with me as my date. Always thankful for the internet and teachers like ET.  Great night!  Another check off the bucket list...

  Image result for Beacon Theater

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