Friday, April 20, 2018

Haters Who Wish Violence on Others

One does not have to look far in any article to see "haters" that wish death to another, is actually the type of thinking the world does not need more of.  Even if a hater doesn't see any good in another person’s life, this very viewpoint is evident of that person’s violent solution to those that disagree with him/her and therefore should be a red flag to the rest of us who want peace.  

Going through life thinking everyone has a right to their viewpoint is the American way however once hatred is expressed, with a view to violence, we all need to be careful of that person for any valid solutions to any situation. These people are dangerous to the youth of America. We see these people in their chosen careers of teachers, politicians, entertainers, ministers, supervisory position of any kind that influence to control people’s thinking and lives, and it is dangerous for the youth listening. Kindness, compromise, agree to disagree is much more productive for all.

Turn off TV, read books of people you admire and think for yourself.  This planet has many more positive role models if you seek them out. Seek them, study them but always decide for yourself what is kind and true.

To understand that a group of people need to be protected when in complete submission to a cruel dictator is quite different from individual disagreements in a free country.  When we have so much to be thankful for, hatred needs to be put to rest.  Governments world wide including the USA have made many mistakes that impact individual lives negatively.  Still I believe in the individual to rise up and claim their freedom through peaceful thoughts and peaceful actions.

You have a kind nature, it will emerge if you seek truth in peace.

Image result for peaceful thought equal peaceful outcomes

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