Friday, April 20, 2018

Ohhhhh, Now I Get It!

Studying the Liberated Life by Eckhart Tolle, I have many times fought the idea of being fully present to accept my 'NOW.'  What if where I am is not where I want to be?  If I accept the now, does this mean I stop achieving anything? Does this mean my dreams will not come true? Does this mean I am fated to live a life now that I don't want?

Finally I get it! No it does not mean any of these things. 

Being fully present now in every part of my life is to accept this is where I am because of my choices, be they good or bad, and the only way to be inspired to move toward my goals to change my life for better, is to accept where I am now and be grateful for all I have, so new, creative ideas, innovative ideas, can be shared with me from the universe of thought that resides in each of us by birth.

Great ships come into dock easier on calm waters.  We/I tend to get so caught up in thinking and judging everyone and myself, that we/I can't get new information in to cause positive change. I have studied this so many hours and finally a light went on yesterday.  I get it, look out I'm sailing into smooth waters and a peaceful mind thought by thought.

Cleaning up every angry thought may take a while, after all it took years to give them harbor in my mind, and the ropes are thick and sometimes hard to remove.  That's ok, I have time and kindness to gently remove these ropes that bound my thoughts.  Violence never works for me, I've experienced enough of this in my head.  Thank you Eckhart and books.

Image result for peaceful thoughts come in on calm waters

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