Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Do I Love The Wisdom of Older Married Women? Why Yes I Do!

Forty years plus and truly in touch with self, aware of the trials and tribulations of living a lifetime with anyone without feeling trapped or abused, is my kind of person.  I keep saying my second book is going to be on successful long term relationship techniques.

It begins with you. You do not have to be fully educated in every area of your life but you need to know your set points.

This woman who I have known over thirty years, and I have lightly stayed in touch over the years.  Now both of us on the other side of raising children have more time. We went to lunch today after I found a Christmas card from her where we both say, "Let's do lunch."  I text, she responded, we went.  We had a grand time, we laughed, we admired one another's stories of survival of marriage and realized there are basics true to all successful husband and wife unions.

Neither of us have ever sacrificed our integrity through it all.  We both are good ladies with a strong backbone who don't run from a complicated situation easily when someone we chose to love is involved.

Yes I can see a collaboration coming for the next book. I have quite a few women at my disposal with a wealth of wisdom of how to maintain a life time relationship and I know you do not have to be compatible.  Did we think of divorce? Yes we did.  Why did we stay?  Everyone has their reasons, you'll have to read the book to find out.  Women don't just stay for the children or the financial security because this is not the case in "successful long term relationships."

These golden years are beginning to come into focus why they are golden. It's a time to reflect on the really wonderful moments, children, incidents, and friends that make life worth living.  It's remembering and laughing now about things that at the time were not laughable.

Strong constitution women, there for the long race, make it so.

Thankful to reconnect with this woman who I always admired for her outspoken opinions and straight talk, never put on any airs. My kind of person.

Nietzsche has one perspective I agree with but there's more to it.

Image result for wisdom of long term marriages

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