Friday, April 6, 2018

Emotion and Attention Creates Reality

Forget the Bible, forget cultural expectations, forget society norms, forget obligations, forget position in life, forget your religious teachings from any country in the world you are from, forget it all for a few minutes and look deep within yourself...

What do you want?

Notice that the things that haunt you, your past, your judgments about yourself and others create your outlook in this life.  These also create your actions that become your personality.  Do you cause others to respect you?  Do you cause others to applaud your actions?  Do you take responsibility for your decisions and the consequences of them?

What you put your attention on and what you get emotional about creates your reality.  You can change it if you find yourself caught up in too much frustration, too much negativity from others coming back at you for something you did.

A compass for your actions is simple. Does your action build others up and bring light to a problem? Or does your action cause further division and hate?

Which life is easier to live?  You choose every day. Life can be one of peaceful existence and cause positive change or it can be full of war and destruction within you.

Peace in the world begins with peace within me.  There is no other way to it.  The sages of old and the sages of today that we admire all teach this, I tried it and that is how I know it is true.

Thankful to find a peace within that was born out of my own mental pain, so extreme I had to find a way out.  Now I can write and share what worked for me, and maybe, just maybe it will be a shortcut for you.  Namaste.

Image result for peace within is the only way to peace on earth

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