Sunday, April 15, 2018

Imagine Your Life With Honest Politicians...

Imagine your life if every morning you awake, from the first day you were born you were told you were beautiful, smart, and better than everyone else.  If every day you were on a schedule to eat, pray, exercise, and taught by your mom and dad as well as tutors in your home several languages, science, poetry, the great literary works of all time, games, sports, and such.

Your parents did not curse, drink alcohol, commit adultery, or live in need of anything, you were rich.  As young men you were taught by your father's example to be the head of the household and to absolutely adore your wife and children.  Your mother was educated, pious, and adored her husband with no admission her children were anything less than perfect. Sounds great doesn't it?

That was Theodore Roosevelt Jr.'s life, and this foundation motivated him to run for office.

He as he grew older, he became disillusioned with NY politicians lining their pockets for personal gain at the expense of the people paying taxes.  So he decided he must do something.   

When the Roosevelts from Oyster Bay, NY, TR, came into politics, he scared the corrupt politicians.  He would not take money to make decisions against what he knew was right for the people of  NYC.  His father taught him that the word professional was synonymous with corruption.  TR went into politics to be a public servant of the people not a "professional politician." (We call these "career politicians" today.)

He wanted to put a stop to the corrupt dealings of the politicians of NYC.  He and a Harvard classmate found that " elected judges" were being bought by private money and lobbyists to allow laws to be passed to collect exorbitant fees from the people, to line the personal politician and businessmen pockets.  Sounds familiar today doesn't it?

We need new politicians today, new blood, more politicians more like TR. (Without his nose in the air attitude like TR)  A major turnover is needed in every town, county, state, and federal agency.  New American blood, to become politicians that are not corrupt, who make decisions based on what is best for the people and the environment of the USA, not personal gain.

You know I think this is what is happening in America and the world now. New people are coming forward and making plans to run for office, it is exciting. This change is not overdue but right on time.

Yes, we can and do vote, but we can make a real impact by becoming peaceful inside. When we control our thoughts and look for the best in others, then we can begin to see a clear answer and action to take to remedy any situation.  Great ideas come over a calmer mind than an angry one.

The wisdom of the world old sages written thousands of years ago teaches us the same truths new authors are discovering and writing in their own words today.

Thankful to see the same solid kind truths with stand through time.

Imagine your life...

This country will not be a permanently good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a reasonably good place for all of us to live in.

Author: Theodore Roosevelt


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