Monday, April 23, 2018

Relax Let Life Live You...

Writing this blog is really a practice in writing for me.  The blog was to get me into the daily discipline of putting aside time to write so I could write my first book.  At times there are misspellings and grammatical errors, some I notice, some are pointed out to me by my much more educated family members.  And still I write...

To fix every error is not my focus, my focus is to get the blog out every day, to push my mind to come up with another topic that interests me.  If in the process of teaching myself to produce writing instead of talking about writing I make some be it.

My focus is to write a book and get opinions out there and expose myself for better or worse.  To write from the heart is the best way to write, so I have read and been taught by online authors. 

Not sure what this life has in store for me but I know I feel compelled to write this book and I will write it to see what the next adventure will be.  Let life live you, it does anyway...some of my mentors teach this...I have tried my way so many times to control my life and others, and it is exhausting!  Anxiety and never ending thinking, planning, doing to keep it all together...

Life has to be more serene than this...  Thankful to have some really good people in my life, my closest are into self-exploration and living the dream.  Today I am writing  a list of my family and friends that make me smile every time I think of them. 

Image result for byron katie let life live you it does

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