Monday, April 16, 2018

When Staying Present Goes HayWire!

Daily practice of meditation has it benefits when I'm suddenly facing a thought that makes me feel like I'm going out of my mind!  I think as I age I have made peace with many things I know I cannot control. Now the younger generation comes along and they like me, when I was young, are appalled at what is happening inthe world!

Years go by and I see where I can help and that I not only cannot save the world, but it is not my job to save the world.  We have a community of humans world wide and each will do their part.  In this way we collectively save the world.  Change takes time, decades, hundreds of years, but change will come, there is no stopping it.

But...sometimes I am faced with a fearful set of thoughts that I thought I was over and writing my book has done this.  The memories of certain events in my life that I have overcome, are being 'relived.' Maybe because I have time now, I remember details that are scaring the presence out of me!  Suddenly such knots in my stomach and a headache may begin, I quickly go within.

The practice of awareness and reminding myself to be loving and kind to me brings me back into alignment of my inner peace.  I might think we all have things that hurt so much we don't want to go there in thought again, to go there in our mind is to bring a color movie to life?  Do any of us get out of life here bruise free?  I do not want to assume I know the answer for everyone.

Writing this book will change in direction and expression because of my experience remembering. Onward, I set out to write this one first and in so doing I am opening another part of me that I had forgotten.  My dear Sweetheart is watching me go through this and thinks it is good. 

Today I am so eternally thankful to Pema Chodron, Eckhart Tolle, and Byron Katie teaching how to grab the controls of my thoughts back.  No wonder I felt crazy before I found this work, I was. My true nature is kind, patient, and peaceful.  Training my mind to go back there has paid off again.

   Image result for go back to inner peace

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