Monday, April 30, 2018

Identity Enhancers Hinder Wisdom

Nothing wrong with having things, positions, titles, education, cars, houses, fashion label clothes, properties, wealth, a belief, etc.  The problem comes with "Identifying Yourself with These."

You are not your job, family name, title, car, house, clothes, your religious beliefs, wealth, position, ivy league college you attended, etc... These are "Identity Enhancers,"

When you know this you can drop all pretence of superiority or inferiority to anyone. You can stop pressuring yourself to live up to a false sense of self, you can have inner peace and uncover your purpose here. You are not here to elevate the five senses to become your identity, you are here to make the world a better place for yourself and others with your unique gifts and talents. Talents that help the world, not selfishly magnify you.

One day we all come to this realization, the earlier you recognise this in life, the longer you will live life in abundant peace with yourself and others.  The trouble comes when you deal with others that do not have this same knowledge, this is the time you practice patient presence. 

Thankful to have seen this early on in life by my life circumstances and fell in love with all people knowing no one is above me or below me. We are one.

Image result for we are the same except for our thoughts

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