Sunday, April 22, 2018

I'm Not Sure But This May Be One of the Best Days of My Life

Reading so many books, listening to so many teachings by such as Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle, Anthony Robbins in the 70s, Rita Davenport before that, and lately Meredith Miller, Gary Vaynerchuk, Mel Robbins, Lisa Nichols, Pema Chodron, Thich Nhat Hanh, the list is endless and in every teaching there is a resolution to inner anger taught and how to rid of it.  I do applaud them all, I found one on my own as a child and now as an adult see others know it and teach it.  There really is nothing new under the sun and we all can try to take credit for our "newly"discovered road to the mountaintop of wisdom but that is our ego speaking not reality.

Reality is, humans process emotions the same, anger can be shot outward to bully others or inward to depress yourself, depending on your childhood teacher.  Road rage is suppressed anger towards someone or a situation you have not dealt with. This is the bigger rage, a car making a wrong move in your direction is in fact a little thing... But the secret is to get rid of the anger. How?

So today I realize there is a person that I am angry with because I speak about something I am studying thinking it will be a conversation, and get a response that is completely off the mark.  To explain there is no need, this person cannot understand. 

I did an exercise I am all too familiar with, I wrote out all my anger towards this person.  There are years and years of unexpressed anger that I did not realize I had.  In the process I can hear, Byron Katie voice: "Defence is the first act of war.  If you believe your thoughts you will be wrong 100% of the time.  Victims are the angriest people on earth."  Whenever I get angry, I go first to the thought, "Where am I making myself a victim because I cannot control the outcome?"  I will not be a victim personality, that is a dead sea of thoughts.  Then I see Eckhart Tolle's face and hear his funny little chuckle smiling at me, saying, "Where's the problem? In you or in the other person?" I smile.

Pema Chodron chimes in encouraging me to get the anger out, let it pass through me without judging myself, holding it in is only to suppress it, this can make us sick.  And by the time I finish with my fourth page of expressing my anger I begin to laugh out loud at myself.  Really laugh and release the anger because I know this is wasted energy I don't' need to ever focus on again.

Thankful to have good habits and good thoughts to wash over me and get me free again. This may be one of the best days of my life. Other people get excited over a vacation, a new car, and I like these, but what really gets me excited is witnessing my mind snap out of negativity and back into alignment with the universe. Yeah, that really floats my boat.  Then my Sweetheart comes in and thanks me for a gift I gave him 18 years ago and tells me how much he appreciates it.  I have all I need right now.

  Image result for eckhart tolle quotes

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