Sunday, April 29, 2018

Saving a Beloved Tree!

Sweetheart is having to take down dead trees around the house.  We love trees and don't want to take these down but now there's the possibility of these falling on the house, and we can't have that!  Besides always wanting a large natural gazebo in the yard so I can have a comfortable seat by a real outside fire year round, I wanted a sculpture in the yard.  In my travels I watched a tree that was damaged by wind and ice break off 3/4 of the way down its length. The next trip by I saw a sculpture being created out of the stump and thought what an ideal idea!

There is a tree in our front yard that husband loved that has to come down now.  He does not like taking it down it was one of his favorite trees.  I told him about the one I saw being made into art work and he was happy.  At the wood carving festival we looked and looked and spoke with each artist. When we found one we really liked, I asked him if he would come to our house and carve in this tree if I gave him food and board while he worked?  He said, "Yes! Especially if you will offer lodging!"

So we have found our artist and I told him we are clearing land and would be ready for him in a year or so, he said, “good because I am booked out quite a few months.”
(He figures he would need two weeks.)

No problem!  Sweetheart and I would love to have him and his family here for such a wonderful occasion!  Now we are getting pictures together of the animals and positions we want them on this old tree. Designing what we want, is our specialty, we love to design.  This will be a gift to each other for our lifetime.  Yes I will be kissing wood, again I know…I love beautiful wood carvings!

Image result for ridgway PA wood carving 2018

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