Sunday, April 8, 2018

I Absolutely Believe the Foundation of Our Being is Good

Growing up I heard religion teach we are wretches that need a savior. I heard adults say,"The basic nature of man is bad." As an innocent child I knew I was not bad. So decades go by and church teachings, communities, societies are constantly judging people from a negative perspective. This causes great confusion inside us, teaches us not to trust yourself or others. .
As a mother I see the innocence of childhood, the simple curiosity of a sweet face exploring a caterpillar the very first time. I saw the mischievous but innocent things a child does and I saw my own reaction.
I decided from watching our children that children are innocent. All of any child's actions spring from a good, clear, conscious, and an idea to protect itself from whatever seemed uncomfortable may seem bad when it is not, it is an instinct of survival. That basic goodness is in us still.
Now as an adult I know we are all born with good heart but we may have a confused mind because of the negative experiences or judgments we have received from family or society. We can get back to that goodness if we seek to change our negative thoughts. Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle have been a great help to me.
Thankful to know we are can change and we are enough.
Image result for anne frank i believe in the goodness of people

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