Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Thank God I don't Believe in Interpreting Dreams!

Tossing, turning, I woke up with a question to my husband, "Do you think I need to write Melania a personal apology or s apologizing in person enough?" I woke up with a start! I do not want to disrespect the First Lady of the US!

Yesterday I received yet another book on Eleanor Roosevelt titles No Ordinary Time.  I began reading about Missy that lived in the WHite House with FDR and was virtually his WH wife as ER was traveling most of the time.  The staff reported that when she spoke or ordered anything they answered her as quickly as if she was Mrs. FDR.

I also saw an advertisement with Melania driving a car in passing when I was online last night, I did not read the article.

So in my dream I am riding with Melania, I'm in the back seat, She is driving one of those Mercedes SUV, you know the one that costs $224,000.00 and she is trying to look out the side mirror but her hair is stuck all over it and she is having trouble seeing. So I reach around her shoulder and let the window down, begin to take the hair off the mirror and some of her hair extensions come off in my hand!

Melania is horrified and stopped the car, runs into a nearby hair shop in NYC, comes out with a new wig that Justin Bieber had helped her pick out. Now with JB close behind, he is waving his hand up in the air at whoever is looking at him and Melania tells me to get further in the second back seat while she gives the "Beebs" a front seat. JB starts chanting, in perfect pitch voice I might add, "Melania is my new BFF. Melania is my new BFF..."

I apologized to Melania as I moved further back in the SUV.

Later her husband is sitting in a meeting where I am present and says nothing to me.  I assume he heard I was just trying to help and brushed it off and maybe told Melania to do the same? I don't know...

Do you think I should also write Melania an apology? I'm still perplexed!

Thankful I don't interpret dreams. :)

Image result for hair extensions

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