Wednesday, April 25, 2018

No Man Completes Me, But I Need This Man

Being a women's libber from way back, I love men.  I do not claim to be a feminist because hatred of men and feminism has been too closely related now. I hate no one anymore.

As a child I grew up in an atmosphere of a strong man and a strong woman.  Nonetheless they were at odds with each other daily. Their example is why I decided, "marriage was never the plan for me and children were out of the question."  Yet I have both now.

There is no doubt in my mind that no man needs a woman or children to be completely content and feel loved in his life and no woman needs a man or children to be completely content and feel loved in her life.  No one completes me or you, no one.

Then I met my Sweetheart and I see "I" needed "this man."

If this needs further explanation for you to understand then I cannot explain it. You have to live it, you have to find it, you have to want it, and you have to make a lifetime commitment to him/her to understand this statement.

I wish this kind of "peace on earth" to all men and women.  Today I'm thankful my husband did not take the original "No" I gave him to his marriage proposal, he kept coming back. He kept being my friend. No sex to complicate the feelings between us, just a friend. We have traveled a hard road overcoming past hurts and dysfunctional family expectations but we are here, after all these years, we are here.

He is my best friend now.

Do not get me started on the wonderful, amazing, children he and I have, because of them we have found such love in the world together with them, "my heart runneth over." But this is our story, you do not need a man, a woman, or children to feel this loved.  There are many great people in the world and if you are awake enough you will find your family of kindness and respect among them. Do not let society, religion, culture, or family dictate what will fulfil you and make you happy, you decide. You are enough. I love you.

Image result for I love you by choice I stay with you by choice

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