Saturday, April 14, 2018

Fire Outside

The clearing of the dead trees, continues and today we worked to clean up the tree that fell over the outside fire pit.  We raked and put the extra limbs and leaves in the compost pile at the edge of the woods.  Stacked neatly nearby are the kindle and leaves to have a fire tonight.  So excited.

We go out to dinner with plans to have a cup of coffee by the fire.  On the way home Sweetheart, "What happened it was 55 degrees this morning, 45 degrees this afternoon, and 27 degrees tonight? I'm thinking it looks like a cup of coffee inside by our fireplace is more like it."

So we build a fire in the fireplace and Sweetheart grabs his guitar to serenade me awhile before we go to bed.  Thankful to have my honey and a quiet place in the country.

Image result for husband wife by fireplace

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