Friday, December 21, 2018

If you Talk A Lot About A Subject That Educates YOU, You May Be A ...

Teacher of that subject.

If you talk a lot about yourself without curiosity, or others with contempt, you may be a braggart or a gossip, both a bore in conversation. Choose what you speak about with open heart and open mind then listen. Assume everyone knows more than you, because... they do if you listen long enough.

If someone does not find 'your interesting subject' interesting, find your group, there are people who get you, love you, and want to talk with you about subjects you are interested in, find them, these are your true friends. Don't try to force a friendship with any person(s) that does not want your knowledge or interests.

Everyone fits in somewhere, find your friends."Speak your loving truth, enjoy your life"

Allow that others are free to live their life too, even if you don't agree to be part of it. Always choose peace, you will know it by the outcome of actions, both yours and other people. Choose peace every moment until it becomes a habit. Life gets easier every decade as we choose to agree to disagree with peace. You are not alone, find your group, they are closer than you think.

Thankful to find peace with imperfection, me. The beginning of knowledge was to discover, no matter how much I know, I can never know it all, no one can, it is not possible. Wow, I discovered this on my own and Socrates discovered this too, many years ago!

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Monday, December 17, 2018

Dusting Around Objects On A Table Is Like Not Dealing With Feelings

Every single day I meditate and study stoic, sage, sound advice from speakers I respect.  As I was contemplating my latest studies I was dusting the house and thinking.

When I get in a hurry because I have so much to do, I dust around the objects on the table. Then I look back and still see dust... This did not meet the goal.

So I paused, took everything off the table, and dusted again.  I used furniture polish. Afterwards it looked good, it felt better to me.

I thought as I always do, this is like having uncomfortable feelings arise and being too busy to deal with these. I push these aside, other tasks need to be done and even if I meant to come back to this, I don't, years can go by and suddenly one day there is so many thoughts my mind is cluttered.

Now I have to empty my mind of everything to get rid of the clutter and find a way to get organized thoughts and peaceful in actions. This time with a clear conscious and some much needed words of wisdom from those that know more than me. My polish for the mind?  Wise sages like Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie Mitchell, Jordan Peterson, etc.  Sages have been here all along if we seek these out.

I needed to slow down, seek another way to think and do the work. I do the work every day to keep my mind in peaceful mode.  I have become very protective of this mind I educated.

Resentment and pride the two thieves that cause hurt and stop us from acquiring wisdom.  The younger generation, like me, is full of pride and slow to welcome the wisdom of elders that care enough to speak, until one day, like me, they cannot take the pain anymore.

Then we seek help, until then we just take life for granted. So very thankful to understand more now than ever that "I am enough."  No need for alcohol or sedatives to calm the nerves.  I have the power to do this myself. Is is not easy at first but over years of practice it becomes second nature. Namaste.

Image result for wizard of oz you had the power all along

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Surrendering To Surrender

A few years ago, after I celebrated a 50+ birthday, I hit a wall, a realization that my thoughts were not peaceful enough and clear enough for me to live with myself in peace another day and so I changed. (Even though I have worked at this daily since teen years. I came from a very angry family.) I had to surrender to my place in life, my choice and the consequences I received, some good, some bad, I had to relive in my mind these consequences without judgment.  I sought out more knowledge and found Eckhart Tolle, Byron Kelly, and delve in deeper to meditation.  I found I am beginning to live a very open minded life with closed minded people in it and I wanted these closed minded people in my presence no more. There is no need for me to be in angry conflict with anyone anymore. Life is too short. I love people. I want to have kind people around me that truly love and care for me as I love and care for them. People including family members, that go out of their way to visit me and see me, persons that get excited to be with me as I am excited to be with them.

People don't need to be perfect, I certainly am not perfect, but I want people that know what it is to live in the "power of now."  People that always give themselves the best that is available and want the best for others too.

And now I'm a decade older and I continue to enjoy reading,and seeking self improvement. I found another author that speaks truth to me, Jordan Peterson, that resonates. In this study:

"I am surrendering to surrender."  ~MSN

What does this mean?  I'm not completely sure but one action that has been inspired in me is "total simplicity" in thought, logic, reason, that translates into a total "dejunking" of everything in my environment. Excess jewelry, excess furniture, unused art supplies, crafts, books, all objects are being donated to those less fortunate that can use them now.  Why do I need to stock such things that can be used and enjoyed now by another? As I release each attachment to these material things, there is a peace coming to my being, a peace to my mind, a simple way of living life...

And I am so extremely thankful for my husband and children, and a few close friends that are like me, surrendering to surrender.  We are becoming very aware life is too short to be in conflict, or constantly at war over ideas, opinions. I am so grateful to have friends that confront their fears head on, without addictions or blaming others. Persons that are aware that as we all take responsibility for everything in our life, stop blaming others, get thankful, we are not victims but the creators of our own reality. Life can be beautiful, if only in your perspective, give yourself this peace, only you can give yourself peace. 

Today do this one thing, stop making excuses for not being the best you can be, this includes stop blaming others or blaming your past mistakes for not being your best self, now, do it now.  Enjoy your life, death comes unexpectedly at times, learn to live your best life before death comes to you.

Namaste and God bless us everyone. 😉

Image result for ralph waldo emerson quote no one can give you peace

Friday, November 30, 2018

Christmas At Pemberley

The Capital Rep in Albany, NY is currently running this play a sequel to Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin.  The cast had superb actors from all over the USA and many from off Broadway from our own NYC.  Humor, music, acting, top notch entertainment and so worth the evening to just relax and remember when romance and love began "with your clothes on and really getting to know one another before marriage was seriously considered."

A certain amount of stuffiness is preferred by me and my husband.  And a serious lifetime commitment, come what may, no matter what, also preferred by us.  Marriage for a lifetime needs to be worked out for the betterment of each party every time a serious disruption occurs, and as for basics, what one would think would go without saying, no longer exists, you need to agree on these: no domestic violence, no lies, no infidelity, no polygamy, no arranged marriages, can you believe this needs to be said?  Well apparently it does, this is America, not the dark ages.

This play is based on these long tried and true sentiments in a more austere time reveled in Jane Austin books, and some of us shed a tear to hear those romantic sentiments and oath of love once again expressed with promise in a simpler time.  The writers are to be praised for this great writing.

Thank you Lauren Gunderson and Margot Melcon writers, young successful playwrights that this generation can enjoy for years to come.

Thank you Jane Austin for reminding us of love in a simpler time.

Thank you Sweetheart for taking me. It was a great night.

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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Eleven Lovely Things

1)   Seeing the first white dusting on a field of Sumac

2)   Waking to see a sunrise coming through the window that outlines my Sweetheart’s silhouette as he lies next to me sleeping

3)   Looking at a miniature balsam wood cutout of a village with tiny white lights that light up the slopes as I write

4)   Seeing an artist carve a bear out of a plain wood log

5)   Seeing a white turkey in our yard for the very first time

6)   Eating dinner on the deck with my Sweetheart unnoticed as two black bears walk by the deck 4 feet beneath us

7)   Seeing a sleeping lion tattoo on the Swamp Witch

8)   Watching a bird build a nest in the southern point of my kayak leaning against the back wall of my house

9)   Witnessing the mother bird taking all her young ones out for their first successful flight out of the nest, as each pauses to perch on our deck and lattice till they fly up to a high limb where mother and father bird are chirping, cheering along, each of the four

10)Going through old pictures and letters, memories all but forgotten… of a fun life raising children, we did so many, many, educational, exciting, adventurous, fun things as a family.

11)Seeing a moose in the wild for the first time, even thought it was 4AM on the Mass Pike.

Another great year. Thankful.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Form Your Opinion and then Read Everything You Can Find, Opposing Your View

Now what do you think?

The point of TV is to make money for the production companies that produce the shows.  As in any sales position, if people don't need your product you must create a need through fear of loss or pleasure to improve your lifestyle through entertainment. We don't need the spin, we don't need the fear factor promoted, we need straight true facts, yes we need the press, but an unbiased press does not exist, maybe never will. Why?

All news channels have talk show hosts that are there to get you to tune in to their channel again tomorrow or the ratings go down, the show is canceled, the host, out of job.  So TV hosts, radio hosts, like comedians, walk the edge of being politically incorrect to stir up fear or excitement, rarely to report just facts. Facts are boring, yawn, turn over, go to sleep...

News is needed but because it may be boring, the media has to cause a spin, a stir, to get the audience rallied up, else, why would anyone stay tuned in to buy that narrative or advertisers' products?

If you really are passionate, do the work. Research and read many books and periodicals that are not reported on media. Form your own opinions about everything but focus on the one thing, that thing that grabs your attention most, this is the reason you are here. That one thing if focused upon will bring you contentment in what you do best, you will be your best because you will do this for your entire life. Because you love to do this, you will become very good at this, maybe an expert after twenty or thirty years of research and application, and stay the heck away from passive, spoon fed, learning that bypasses all understanding being streamed into your brain via media, gaming, etc.

Great quote I heard recently:

"The problems that grab you are the portal to your destiny. ~Jordan Peterson~

Thankful to grow up knowing celebrity life, entertainer's (actors, comedians, talk show hosts) politicians' life (especially when campaigning for election) is not real. These professions are hard roads to travel, to get the attention and money each seek. These although enjoyed by me, never interested me at all.

Do I believe each of these people in this USA have good intentions? Yes I do.  I'm just saying, believe half of everything you see, a quarter of everything you hear, and less of whatever anyone tells you in person. It takes a long time to find a truthful friend or teacher that will be there for you come what may, even if you disagree. It takes a long time to discern truth from lies, but we all can learn this in time. Form your own opinion through lots of research that "oppose" the popular opinion of what you think is true.

After you form an opinion, do your research, read everything against your viewpoint, then make a final decision. You cannot do this research without an open mind, you can do this research if you truly want to find a viable answer today. Let not media and government take your right to think for yourself, or research, and speak away.

Learn to think for yourself, don't miss out on the greatest show on earth, your life.

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Saturday, November 10, 2018

"Free Solo" Dangerous Movie for the Public to See

There is a 33 year old man that loved rock climbing without a rope. The disregard for his human life in such a dangerous activity made him odd and made him a first time ropeless rock climber at El Capitan, Yosemite Park.  This of course made him famous, but at what price? There is no doubt he could have died at any moment yet he did not care for his life, all he focused on was climbing that rock, no one had done this climb ropeless before and many have died trying, that used a rope.

Why did he do it? It was such a blatant unnecessary risk of a human life and the danger is this: because he did it successfully as a skilled rock climber, and had it filmed, this movie will inspire young bucks, testosterone driven teenagers to think he/she, too, cannot be killed, to try it.  Young men die with this uncontrolled testosterone brain doing a lot less, driving recklessly, racing, jumping off cliffs in undetermined bottoms of abandoned rock quarries, (I did this once as a teen).  Later when your brain develops a very healthy understanding of life and dangers in it, you, hopefully, rethink such ridiculous dangerous acts.  This is good, the human race will not survive otherwise.

But this world of a five senses only focus, glorifies a winner, an explorer of new terrains, an inventor, and therein lies a problem.  Women get possessed in their pursuits as well, look at Madame Curie's hands after too many x-rays she performed on herself. Necrotic.

The x-rays although primitive in its nature helped to begin a needed insight into a human's body to locate disease.  Sonograms and thermograms came decades later but it began with x-rays developed by Madame Curie.  Does the end justify the means?  In Madame Curie's discovery she did not know that the x-rays would cause necrosis eventually, if she did know would she have done it?  I don't know.

But back to people who do these seemingly heroic feats risking a life for unnecessary conquests, such as beating the rock, that benefits only Alex Honnold to feel joy of the climb, his friends were glad he made the climb but more so they were glad he got it out of his system and lived. In the movie he said when he got to the top he almost cried but decided not to, after all, he never saw his parents shed a tear.  A book tour, a talk show round, he becomes a motivational speaker for corporate America, will insure income so he can climb rocks for many years.  What message will this movie send to the public?

My concern, if he wants to do this, it is his life, how did his brain become desensitized? Some think his father had Asperger's and that helped him not to know how to connect with others, his parents divorced, he was never told that he was loved or hugged, but we must realize his brain is "not wired for personal preservation, safety or "feeling" the value he has in life," or feel any obligations to the people that love him. This is a tragedy for him. His disconnect to others.

This film will inspire other young, inexperienced testosterone pumping men and women, not so wise, to die trying, some may with much practice succeed. But is this a price that all must pay in this generation of technology where, gaming makes reality a joke, or families disconnected by divorce, arguments over money, land, a perceived unfair distribution in a will causes families to divide forever? What about parents that ship kids off to boarding schools and full-time daycare so they can work, with no interruptions, from their own children? How about high functioning alcoholics, drug addicts, and food addictions in us all, that desensitizes us to feelings of being alive and valuing human life?  And worse, much deeper and sadder, loses the search for our real purpose, a purpose outside of self and conquest, a purpose that makes us "feel" alive?

Our children are watching us and learning how to deal with life from watching us.  How will the next generation survive?  The only choice, turn off feeling anything to disguise the hurt, turn off like a button on a video game, sleep, wake up, repeat.

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Saturday, November 3, 2018

A Daughter (in-law) is a Gift

What is it about a strong independent thinking woman that is so in touch with her relatives that she senses when something is amiss even if no one says anything?  I have a daughter and a girlfriend who does this for me often.  The phone call that comes at a time I am suffering silently that says, "could not get you out of my thoughts today so I had to call and see how you are..."

And then there is the part of me that wants to be strong and say, "Everything's fine" when I am not fine.  In my older years I have found it is ok to let our adult children know when we are hurt or when we are weak, or when we need help, and to let them help us.  Adult children mean they can be your confidants, they can handle more trouble than you know, they do not need our protection anymore, support, yes, confidant yes, but no need to coddle and take care of them, in fact this coddling makes them afraid to leave home without you.

Our children have been independent for years now. Strong, independent thinkers, wise beyond their years and in fact much wiser than I was at their age, wiser than my husband at their age, maybe we did something right.  Women in particular don't like lies, cover ups, and BS.  Maybe this is why God made them the mothers of the future instill a love for the truth, or maybe we all are born with this in us, maybe fear is taught.  Words teach fear or fearlessness, what are you listening to everyday and how do you feel after hearing it?  You decide and for me I turned off cable and read books, if you read enough books, you begin to get your own opinion based on facts not hear say. We trust our children for they like us read and formulate their own opinions and you can bet when they speak to us, they have the facts, a truth we trust because they are informed.  We can openly debate anything and agree to disagree on the details peacefully without separation.

So a gift in my older years is our wise daughter, she listens and takes action to show her love to us every single day.  Daughter-in-laws are like that too.  My mother loves her daughter-in-laws, and my daughter loves me.  Strong, kind, women, are a gift in each of our lives. Thankful for each of these in our family.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

He Walked In and He Walked Out

A backyard cookout in the woods, a little white face appeared, a kitten, too young to be taken from his mother poked his head out, looking for food or comfort.
A night on the bathroom floor with him in a box with blanket, an alarm clock set for 45 minutes, I woke up and fed the little starving angel, every 45 minute one teaspoon of cat food at a time. With his extended stomach from starvation, a bloody split lip and two fang marks on the top of his little head, I could not take in another cat, he was too injured and I did not have the time to nurse a kitten.  Too many responsibilities, already had cats, children a busy schedule, and work, no time for a sick kitty.  By 9am the next day I started calling “no kill” shelters, no room at the inn. I called other counties, and humane societies, no room.
I was offered to drop him off and he would be euthanized.
18 years later, he was on thyroid meds twice a day, he began to become very thin. Less and less he did not want to be held or touched, or to eat.  Then without a word, he walked out of the house and never came back. He left the way he came with my heart.
Every day I thank God he came into our lives, he was the most courageous, loving cat we have ever had, who loved everyone.  I may have healed his external wounds but he healed many more of my emotional ones.  Animals are like that…
I cannot talk about this anymore now, not for a long time, my grief is too great. We loved him well.

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Monday, October 8, 2018

Arrogance and Resentment the Root Of All Problems?

Clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson of Toronto University is causing quite a stir.  He has written a new book "12 Rules For Life: An Antidote for Chaos" and he is in trouble with those trying to suppress free speech on college campuses. He is vehemently against obstructing it. You can see his lectures on YouTube.

I stumbled upon him and found him giving Bible lectures that are explained by the human nature he studies. Makes the Bible fairy tales begin to make real scientific sense. He says he is an expert on "anti-social behavior" and suffers from depression.  My intrigue was he is the first doctor I have ever heard explain that depression is an autoimmune disease. Think about that. Is it true?

He says all problems boil down to "arrogance and resentment."  All problems.  We have thought about this and Peterson may be right.  You may find his lectures interesting and 85% of his audience are males although he is a psychologist.  Women typically are the majority of psych studies students.  He puts reason and logic back in play in this politically confusing atmosphere.

I bought his book and am currently reading it. Whether you agree or disagree with him, he is a breath of fresh air. A person worth looking at to decide for yourself.

Thankful to see live lectures of anything I have interest in and being independent thinking enough to make up my own mind about anyone and everything.  My fear is that many young people don't have the courage to hear another side of a debate and be able to make a valid comeback to support their position.

 American men and women, good to be living in the USA, hope we can be leaders of free thought and free discussion and welcome free thinking ideas forever.

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Sunday, September 30, 2018

A Moose In The Wild Highway

My prayer for many decades has been to see a moose in the wild and tonight at 4 AM on the Mass Pike my dream came true.  I have driven in the mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire for years looking for moose, I have kayaked the Moose River for years looking for moose, and when I wasn't looking...I meet one on the Mass Pike at 4 AM!

The magnificent creature stood about 8 feet tall and the antlers were higher, I was so excited.  He stood there handsome as any thoroughbred race horse I had seen at  Saratoga Racetrack, beautiful. We were talking about our eldest and how we love him so and the moose appeared.  We went to Providence, Rhode Island tonight to see his band Tanith play, and the band was fantastic.

Our eldest loves moose too. I took it as a sign from heaven that everything is going to be alright. Life is good and getting better every day for each of us.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

My Prayer to God as Each Child was Born

At some point your children fly.  With or without you they fly.  You are no longer needed and they let go of you. And I think, this is the way it should be no matter what the why is.  As a parent we both encouraged our children to go their own way. And if that way does not include us, it is well.

Seems like relationships are no more than what they actually are, short term, long term, temporary, but permanent seems to come only through a partner relationship in life if you choose to have one., and if you choose to be there a lifetime with that partner, come what may. And here is the basics of men and women, both like each other if both fulfil a fantasy role of what the other should play, but when the role of the other is not played to the fantasy you envision it is easy to hold the other in contempt. If this contemptible view is focused upon more than the good in the other, the relationship may end.

Men cannot be all things to any woman and neither can any woman be all things to any man.  My thought is if both of you are complete in yourself, the other will not let you down.

So if parents are complete with knowing the children are free to go, that life goes on even without children around, it is easier to let them go.  You think about them no doubt, but you surrender to their freedom, you have to, you have no choice.

My prayer to God was two things as each was born, 1) Let me be a kind memory to each of them in their old age and 2) help me to let go of them so they can fly.  Number one can only be known to them after my death, and the latter is one I deal with daily.  Surrender to what is and be thankful they are living life on their terms with or without us.

Thankful to have free spirited children, they, like us, went their own way.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Lake George Jazz Festival, Yankee Stadium, Life is Good

Once again as I go with the flow I get unexpected surprises and gifts.  I am not a fan of Jazz Music but my Sweetheart loves it and so most times when he wants to go to a jazz club or concert I will go. The Jazz Festival in Lake George was his interest and we went with two of our kids.  He enjoyed this so much, I spent the time talking with my daughter and getting take out dinner for us all from the Lake George Beach Club restaurant, so we could picnic on the lawn while we listened.

Then one band, Weather Report caught my ear, I actually liked this jazz music.  My Sweetheart told me the violinist traveled with "Yanni" for 12 years. What?  He is one of my absolute favorites and the first time I heard that violin solo it made me so happy to hear such talent plating such beautiful sound, I teared up. That was her, on stage at a free concert in Shepard's Park!  I ran down to the stage and danced on the side of the stage while applauding her loudly! At the end of the song she politely turned towards me and bowed her head with a smile to me. That talented and humble too?  It was a moment to remember for me forever.  I went back stage and got their picture and an autograph of the lead male singer. Actually I did not ask for it but he wanted to sign a CD for me, so I bought the CD and let him. Performers...

The I reluctantly went to the new Yankee Stadium to see a game with the family and surprisingly liked it! Why? No one spit beer on me, the crowd was much, much, calmer and many were a very nice crowd.  I stopped going to Yankee Stadium about 18 years ago. My last game was on September 10, 2001. I vowed never to go again to be in such unruly company, I detest having spit and cursing around me.

Thankfully NY won over Boston Red Sox 3 to 2. The last double out was worth seeing, and the crowd did yell, "Boston Su*ks! And of course as a die hard Yankee fan, I can forgive that. 😉

Image result for yankees win 3 to 2 over red sox september 18, 2018

Friday, September 14, 2018

Writing A Book Is Taking More Time So...

Because of work and time restraint, I will be writing my blog every few days.  The book is not going to write itself, and I need to focus on that to finish it this year.

Good things happening in the world every day. 

Life is good and getting better every day.

Thankful for this.

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Monday, September 10, 2018

Tugboat Alley

Tugboats on the Hudson were at the annual Tugboat Roundup in Watervliet, NY this weekend. It was great to be able to go on the tugboat tour and see these little boats that have powerful engines that push barges up and down the Hudson.

Fireworks after were something to witness. One of the best shows we've seen.  Next year look for it and come down for family fun. The weekend after Labor Day every year!  food vendors available or bring a picnic lunch, the kids will love it, and it's free!

Thanks Ron and Michelle for inviting us to the Tugboat Roundup. It was great fun and educational.

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Saturday, September 8, 2018

They Ate My Garden! The Deer Little Things!

Sweetheart worked preparing and planting a garden for us this year only to have the deer eat everything in it, so disappointing. We managed to salvage a few squash and looked forward to some pumpkins.  Then the deer went in and ate the pumpkins, tomato plants, eggplants, cantaloupe, and the corn, overnight, are you kidding? Vegetables that the deer do not normally eat were all eaten overnight.

It was as if the deer stumbled upon the garden by accident and invited all their friends for an overnight  buffet.  Everything was gone by morning. Senior was not happy.

Then a couple of weeks later a doe and her three fauns appear by the garden in the early morning.  Senior watched as the fauns frolicked and played, kicked up their heels and jumped over each other with their mother nearby feeding in the field.  It gave him such joy to watch them all together he pointed them out to me to see them frolicking, it was cute to watch, he said, "I'm glad I could feed them."

Next year he plans to build a fence.

Thankful to see the deer having fun being free in the yard. Makes them "endearing" to the heart.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

If You Wait Long Enough You Get Unexpected Surprises

When I was in nursing school I must say I loved microbiology because of the colored cells.  The colored cells were not from the body but from drawings and slides that were colored with dyes to differentiate the parts of each kind of cell.  In one textbook I had so many beautiful colored cells I wanted to cut out the pages and frame each.  And then on to the rest of school...

Then by universal accident I recently stumbled upon fluid painting with "cells" in it!  What? I always wanted to draw and color my own to frame but never got around to it.

I am hooked!  I am studying this and cannot wait to try it soon with my artist daughter!  I have decided these are so beautiful I am making these as my holiday gifts for the ladies this year.

Be still my heart, I love creating art more than anything!

Thankful to have eyes to read, enjoy colors, study new art techniques, and hands to make these beautiful art pieces.

It is fun to be alive! These are real human cells colored...

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Monday, September 3, 2018

Play Me A Song Charlie...

Working on the house and cleaning the car, organizing, the usual weekend day we stopped to see a shed for sale and returned home.  While organizing our thinking for the rest of the night, things to complete, I sat on the couch and asked my Sweetheart to play a song.

He grabbed his guitar and played Bob Dylan's 'Shelter from the storm'  his voice is wonderful and that he played for me... well life doesn't' get any better than this to me.

Thankful to have a talented guitar playing, velvet voice singing husband.  He brings me much joy and comfort. 

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Our Parents Were Right, "Never Talk Politics or Religion"

When you are young you hear many things at home growing up.  My interests lie in letting go of anger with forgiveness to be free, art, nature, meditation instead of medication, our children, making good food, writing, reading, being kind...and yes I have opinions about politics and religion however I am not interested in fighting anyone over either so I have decided to do what my father told me as a wee lass, "It takes two to fight and one to walk away." A religion of kindness should be talked about, we should live it,  and face it, you have no power in complaining and disagreeing with friends, this talk goes nowhere.

I'm walking away from giving any opinions about politics to others. Conservative by nature, liberal in opinions. I really am not any party. I vote for people across the board that I believe are good.  One thing I am very sure about, I do not like ongoing angry people speaking ill of anyone constantly.  We have a life, let's go live it and stop putting down others.  Life is too short to keep being so contrary towards everyone over everything said.  Opinions are like noses, everyone has one.

What happened to minding your own business, focusing on your work to be the best you can be and stop judging everyone that you have no direct influence over?  Criticising and complaining is stressful and non-productive, do something different, accept the situation, find something to be thankful about and move on with your life. Vote a person out of office when the time comes, and choose your religion but stop focusing daily on things out of your control, choose to be grounded in your life. Life is beautiful and we are lucky to be living in the USA today.

Find a way to be better at your own job.  Find a way to help others around you, volunteer, do something positive in your community.  The people constantly complaining about politics and religion need to get a more interesting life. Turn off the TV.  Find a life that demands your excited attention more than your daily political speculation that changes nothing.

Moving on, walking away from negative angry opinionated people, life is too short. Thankful I am not a counselor, public servant, government worker, minister, etc.  I like my peaceful mind. I noticed successful people I admire most, don't talk about either, there is a lesson in this for me.

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It's Not My Painting!

I get a kick out of my ego. I watched acrylic painting on YouTube and I was so amazed at the artist and their techniques.  So I relaxed and enjoyed quite a bit of this flowing abstract art and found the pieces quite remarkable.

So after watching and getting the hang of it I would start to talk to the screen and tell the artist stop, stop, I love that line, leave that shape, it's good as it is and the artist would move the painting and blow it with a straw all techniques again and again and in my opinion lose the painting.  I am familiar with blowing paint, turning the canvas to move the paint but it was overdone until I felt they lost the beauty of it.

As I watched and wanted the piece for my house but lost the want after the artist would not stop moving the paint and lost the beauty of it to my eyes, I said, "It's not my painting!"

I need to have an opinion yes but keep my judgments out of it.  If I did the painting I would have stopped, it had such interesting shapes however she did not stop, she overdid it and the finished piece lost the interesting shapes with colors that I loved. It was ok.

I need a day creating art.  Time to make my own painting and back to minding my own business.

Thankful to be aware to stop myself and get back to minding my own business.  I do appreciate the art lessons on YouTube. Anyone can create beautiful art with this method. Holly we have to do this when you come for a visit. The cells are unique, what is up with Rain-X? I have to GTS.

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Sunday, September 2, 2018

You Caught Me!

Love always knowing who is my date for Saturday night comedy show.

So I dress up in a new pant suit for our date.

We go see Andy Woodhull at Funny Bones and he is hilarious, another clean comic with a great sense of humor like Ryan Hamilton.

After the show we buy his CD and we ride home and talk about the show and how much we loved it.

In the closet hanging up our clothes my husband says, "You wore that tonight? That's nice."

"Yes, it's a new outfit. You just noticed it as I hang it on the hanger? I thought you'd notice it on me."

"No, I didn't."

I go to bed and he goes into the bathroom then he comes out, "Ok, what did I wear tonight?"

I say, "Green cargo pants and a black shirt."  He had this on earlier this evening.

"No, I had on khaki cargo pants and a navy shirt."

"Ok, you caught me."😉

If you want to hear Andy Woodhull go to Pandora, make a Andy Woodhull Station and let it play the rest of your life. He gets royalties every time someone plays his show. Let's help a comic out.

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Friday, August 31, 2018

Relax and Live

There is a time in life for everything.  When I was young I wanted to change the world and I found in time I had enough to handle to change myself.  In fact I found that was the only place I could effectively and completely change.

Speaking with a friend today as older women we both agreed that looking back in history it took radical actions of a few to get the attention for social change to occur.  The radical actions of women that are most effective are unexpected, unruly, but usually law abiding.  Violence to other human beings is not the norm for most women. 

Remember when you were young and you visited older retired people?  I often thought, cruises, bridge games, tourists, checkers on the boardwalk, why would anyone do this for the rest of your life?  This looks boring.  What is the purpose of this life?

And then I grew older, wiser, living in this crazy world and see, at some point you have to stop criticizing, condemning, and complaining and get on with your life. You have to find how you fit in and do that.

The world is a big, big, big, place and the problems among its humans were created over thousands of years and millions of differing opinions and yet the earth still rotates around the sun with or without each of us. The solutions will take thousands of years and thousands of humans looking inside to change.

To finally get to a place you can be thankful, read a book for fun, play a game of cards with friends, sit and play checkers on a boardwalk to me means you have arrived at knowing that to live is a wonderful thing and like the Dalai Lama teaches...
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Variety is The Spice of Life,So are Differing Viewpoints

Every day we all meet people and if you talk to each one long enough you will find two things about the other person, 1) you have things you agree on and 2) you have things you disagree on.

Now, the challenge is: do you agree to disagree and choose to find a way to live in peace? 

As a southerner, I love to cook "southern" dishes. As a Yankee, my husband has "northern" taste for his. When we first were married I would get upset when I prepared a delicious meal and he would he would come home and start tasting it and telling me: "This needs a little allspice, this needs a little turmeric, this needs a little dill,..."  To my way of tasting it needed nothing but for him to be thankful I prepared it and to be eaten!

And so meal after meal, he would doctor the dishes and I would get angry. Besides not wanting him to doctor my perfect dish, after he doctored it, I did not like the taste and could not eat it. I made it. It took me hours, now thanks to his doctoring it with Yankee spices, I could not eat it. It was strange tasting and I did  not want the strange taste, my dish was good enough.

Finally, he did this doctoring enough, that I stopped cooking for him altogether, I told him to eat at this mother's.  I could eat a quick banana sandwich and voila, no dishes to clean or wash, I cut my time in the kitchen to zero.  Banana sandwiches make grocery shopping easier too. I really disliked grocery shopping! 

He was not happy with my decision. His mother cooked for him every day of his life, when he was home, he thought a wife would too. I gave him a recipe book and said, "You can read, you can learn to cook!"

In time after years of marriage, many things changed for the better, he learned to cook, (bonus, he loved to cook) and he loved to go to the grocery store shopping, we each cooked our dish and would separate out a portion for the other to flavor it to individual tastes, and he learned to like some of my Southern dishes, and I learn to like some of his Yankee dishes.  We laugh now when we think of the arguments over  cooking we use to share.  We both are great cooks and now we both cook holiday meals. I make the southern dishes we like as a family and he makes his Yankee dishes, the children are great cooks as well.  Holiday dinners have everyone's favorite dish on the table.

Everyone helps to buy, cook, and clean up the dishes. There are no disagreements anymore.

Thankful for disagreeable viewpoints that cause change. If peace is to be, we all need to pitch in to help. First ground rules are set, respect for the rules, and all agree to work towards the goal and in time, the respect for differing opinions with the agreement to work together. If peace is to be, it must begin with me.  Now there is peace in the kitchen, it can spread to the world if we work together.

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Monday, August 27, 2018

What Happened to Women's Right To Vote being Non-Partisan?

In different parts of the country there are local smaller celebrations of this day.  Many equate this day with the beginning of feminism.  In reality it does not matter the date feminism was founded. I am not a feminist, however, I appreciate the suffragettes and their strength to pursue the much needed law to pass for "women to vote." This has helped all men and women of the world. 

Feminists today seem to have evolved into a male hating group.  I love men. Yes, I applaud equal rights, pay, and the choice to choose but these are human rights even though the evidence of the inequality is seen more in the feminine.

The presentations I heard today seem to lean on a focus  of women taking over the house and the senate and the presidency.  This is not equal. This is a domination that the males have already proven does not work.  As long as we have male and females on earth, we need input from both to enact laws that work for all. Women do not know how to deal with all men.  This is proven by the domestic violence many endure even today. Some women will not, do not, put men in jail for hurting them or their children too many times.  Likewise many men do not know how to deal with women and the social needs of family, this is proven by their inability to feel responsible to provide for his children and control their anger.

Now because of this, we need laws that provide equal choice for childcare as needed, legal abortions, including maternity/paternity leave, equal pay for women in all workplaces. We need laws to be put in place for family needs, women are more attuned to this. Everyone agrees family is the most important unit for any nation to survive but government needs to address this in a more beneficial way.  Women have better ideas of social reforms, that need to be discussed in government and possibly made into law if agreed upon. We need input from both sides to have a fair and equal government.

The right for women to vote was not "to vote for women only," not in the books I've read. The right to vote for women was for women to have the right to vote period.  It is for women to vote with their own conscious for the candidate they believe will do the best job.  I do not want women I do not agree with their political view to become a political figure simply because they are women. No these will not get my vote.  The kind of change I am looking for includes following the laws in tact and improving upon them with input and example of how to make these laws better. 

I fear what the women are crusading for in these celebrations, has already been accomplished and the focus should be more on a suitable female candidate we all agree should get our vote.

Women already have the right to be elected to any political seat in the USA government...what we need is women candidates that all women want to vote for.  American women see the need for change but we want women that prove they are going to provide the change we want to see, not perpetuate the same old government. 

Thinking out loud, thinking for myself and to you.  I don't know, do you think any modern "League of Women's Votes" will allow me to join?  The organizations do not seem to be non-partisan anymore.

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Friday, August 24, 2018

Speaking To Family Members About A Sensitive Issue Is Necessary If You Care

Have you ever thought that someone you love may be heading for trouble but you hesitated to say anything because you think, "It's none of my business?"

Family. When you have a genuine concern coming from your good heart and caring for another, do you say anything?   At the most you risk the other will be offended and cut you off, at the best he/she will appreciate your concern and look into it, understanding your heart of concern and say thank you for noticing and caring.

Respecting elders is not remaining silent when you have a differing opinion but rather responding in positive conversation when someone expresses concern. A conversation talking openly about any concerns, no matter the outcome keeps communication flowing both ways.

Native Americans teach their young to listen to and learn from those that have lived before, lived longer, and to heed advice.  This modern generation seems to be afraid that an elder does not have their best interest at heart. Maybe this comes from earlier conditioning of distrust of elders?  Maybe it comes from too much pride, youth has loads of this. I did.

To walk in fear of saying something to help another in our family, is not my way.  Speaking to warn anyone in the younger generation in my family of danger, I will speak, and so I do. Checking with my heart, if it is coming from a loving place, I speak. The decision to do anything about the situation is up to the individual, but as an elder I believe if you really care, you must speak before anything bad possibly develops.  If nothing bad develops, good, but at least you showed you care. If you set in motion an alarm that curtails harm, that is good too.

There are alcoholics in our family on both sides. I have told our children to be careful about consuming alcohol, it is dangerously deceptive.  The best way not to become hooked on alcohol is not to drink it at all.  But if you must try it be careful, no one plans to become hooked on it, but many do.  The children of alcoholic parents suffer the most, both my husband and I have had to deal with the damage of alcoholic parents. What starts as a harmless drink to take the edge off can become a bad habit without noticing how it developed. When a  parent reaches for the bottle when anxious, children see this. If children see this, they do the same because they witness Mom and/or Dad doing it.

Better to teach meditation. "Pure Meditation" a book by Pema Chodron has been the easiest to understand and apply the methods that I have found.  You can find your own teacher, whatever works for you is best.

Meditation instead of medication or alcohol will give greater results for relief of anxiety but you have to learn how to do it.  Alcohol is dangerously deceptive. It takes effort and daily discipline to learn to meditate instead, but it is much healthier for mental health of everyone in the family.

Thankful to have dodged that bullet in my life. 

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What Am I doing With My Life? That's a Good Question For Us All

It's much easier to be accomplished and move forward when, as a child you are adored, supported, and have older siblings and parents going before you to show you direction. Parents that teach you there is a higher purpose outside of basic survival because you already know how to survive. No need to fear the world, it is a great place to discover.

And then there are us who discover this on our own, we have to. There was a young man (33 y o) I met and he was so friendly and helpful, I asked him, "Are you related to the family that owns this business or just here for the summer?"

He said he was here for the summer, I asked him where he lives and how he heard of this campground?  I had not heard of "Glamping" until I received my Clipper Magazine last month.

I talked to him a while and not wanting to be self-centered, I eventually asked about his life.

He was hesitant but his honesty was endearing. He became homeless on the streets of Albany, for 17 years.  He was doing drugs, drinking alcohol, and woke up Thanksgiving 2017 last year with his eyes frozen shut and frozen snot icicles on his beard. He thought,"What I am doing with my life?" He went to a nearby bus stop, asked the driver for a ride to the hospital. The bus driver took him to St. Peter's Hospital. From here he went into rehab and the counselors helped him get  a job. He is clean 9 months.  Wow!

His former boss was friends with this business owner and this guy decided to give him a chance.  I love people who give people a chance.

Living life without drugs and alcohol is a journey within. In the beginning going inside to change fearful thoughts of self beliefs that cause you to reach for the bottle the first time, is scary. Much easier to make the investigation in the beginning before ending up hooked on drugs.  Addiction is a hard road back to civilization.

The first question, "What am I doing with my life?"  That's a good question for us all.

I hope he makes it with his dear girlfriend, lord knows they both have suffered enough.  He reminds me the human spirit is resilient and can awaken us all if we ask, "What am I doing with my life?"
We have not because we ask not, where did I read that before?

Thankful to have met this young man he confirms to me the world is getting better every day one self question at a time.  I believe Byron Katie teaches question your self defeating thoughts and the self defeating thoughts let go of you.  To learn how to do this miraculous change she teaches it best at  You can learn anything on the internet now, even this.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Making Waves In the Air and Water

Sweetheart wanted to go parasailing and parasailing we did.  We even opted for a dip.  On board were two other couples, one the mother and dad, and the other two young girls that were friends. The dad and his daughter had gone before and they convinced her mother and the daughter's girlfriend to go for the first time.

I expected it to be physically challenging but the reality... you don't have to do a thing except step into a harness and lean back and fly 150 feet over Lake George. The views are definitely worth the ride.  The crew told us they took up a 96 year old woman on her birthday so you know it is easy.

Fun ride, spectacular views, great memory of our fortieth anniversary. There's a first time for everything and we seem to be coming up with these "first" every year.

Thankful to grow older with an adventurous Sweetheart. 

"Parasail Joe's" on Lake George, NY. I recommend highly, no pun intended. 😉

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What A Gal! Sandra Weber Author

The first day in Shepard's Park, Lake George I met an author. The reason it was so unbelievably fascinating is two weeks before, I ordered a photograph of "The Portrait Monument" of Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton that is located in the US Capitol Rotunda, this author wrote a book about the statue. What? Coincidence?

These women (Mott, Anthony, & Stanton) were pivotal in getting the right to vote for women made into law here in the USA.  It is a right that many women take for granted, but not all of us.  Susan B. Anthony and her very accomplished friends wrote incredible documents, speeches, and spoke publicly about women coming out from behind their husbands' coattails to have a voice in the laws governing all women. It must have been exciting to be united as women working together for the right to vote.

This author Sandra Weber, wrote  a book, about this statue.  She obtained a month long permission to be in Washington DC to do scholarly research about Adelaide Johnson, the sculptor.  When I met her I was thrilled to meet a woman, like me, that was interested in the women that originally started the women's movement back in 1848 in Seneca Falls, NY.  The founders of any movement  are worth studying to get true insight into who they were and what they stood for, and the true foundation of the movement hey founded.

Sandra Weber also does portrayals, lectures, and book signings, You can contact her:

Her next appearance is next week August 26, 2018 in Chapman Museum 1-3 pm, Glens Falls, NY.
What a gal! Thankful to have met her, hope to be friends.

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Happy Fortieth Anniversary

What is the greatest benefit of a "good" marriage after 40 years?  

Only you can define a "good" marriage if you think you have a good marriage.

Familiarity, memories, laughter, really knowing each other now that you have come so far.  Seeing the communication gaps that caused unnecessary division years ago.  Being unafraid to speak your mind now and know it will be respected if not in agreement.

Feeling safe, at home, unconditionally loved, accepted, understood.  Knowing that the other person has your back, gives you a soft place to land if needed. Knowing the other will help guide you home when you feel lost, and because of this, you can speak out of love and concern to you about anything. Being able to talk things out without fear of rejection or judgment.

I read in the Bible when I was young, "Perfect love casts out fear."

It doesn't mean love is perfect, it means when you have perfect love you have no need to fear to connect, communicate, to forgive.  The other person  knows you have their best interest at heart so you can speak without fear.  

Forty years later we have time to go back and say what we were really thinking in any situation and in so doing clarity comes.  We can look back with honesty.  Pride melts away. We are just friends, that is all we ever were, friends that loved each other's company.

The two of us could only do this once, we were not built for more. Thankful we made it this far.

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Happy Children, Happy Families

While in Lake George there were many families from all over the world.  The Dads were as engaged with their children as the Moms and this was good to see. Children were polite, parents were admonishing kindly and playing with the children and it was so relatively quiet in Shepard's Park and the campground...we were amazed.  Yes I like to enjoy children instead of wish they were not around.

Every restaurant, park we visited, tubing on the river, the children were well behaved, not being loud, intrusive, or disrespectful of others, everyone picked up their trash and disposed of it in the trash cans, everyone was friendly and smiled. Yes, I like for us all to take care of public parks and land. We heard many different tongues spoken but all smiled when our eyes met. A smile is understood in every language.

The world is getting better. Seeing fathers so close to their children, caring for them, feeding them, changing diapers, playing with them, made this heart glad.  Children need their Dad and Mom, it seems the modern father is more aware of this than ever before and the children will certainly benefit. Fun to see many children playing and being their own sweet self, happy children, happy families.

Thankful to relax and enjoy the people around us. Good times.

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Monday, August 20, 2018

Night Sky

Sitting outside our campsite at Adirondack Safari we enjoyed the night sky once again.  The stars are something we don't give much thought to as we see them every night.  We sit outside, we walk the driveway, we sleep outside for fun. We live in the country.

So when a NYC couple (mid to late 20s I guessed) said they had never seen the sky full of stars until the first night sitting by their campfire I was amazed. Born and raised in NYC they had never been camping and evidently never noticed the heaven full of stars before. This must have been a magical scene to behold the first time in their life.  Maybe in the city one cannot see the full sky because of  all the buildings?

Such a simple beauty, we enjoy locating the North Star and different constellations year round, never entered our minds that anyone had not seen this before.  The city, city folk, another world to me, one I know little about.

Nature gives so much peace. Walks in the night a favorite. Sleeping out on the trampoline is comfortable and relaxing watching shadows, looking for shooting stars. 

Now I must remember to be thankful for the night sky, and thankful for eyes to see it.

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Monday, August 13, 2018

Judge others? Of course I Do

Just read Esther Perel's book The State of Affairs and I can say her book opened my eyes to a world of situations and reasons for an extramarital affairs I never considered.

Now I'm not saying this is for me, it absolutely is not. I'm way too busy living a life with goals outside of myself to be bothered with a second relationship outside of my marriage. Who has the freaking time to do this?

You must be uber bored with your day job, definitely not living with purpose. When you live with laser focus and purpose, "sex" with too many other people is not on the horizon, you have much bigger goals than a 5 senses fling.

One affair is enough to deal with but multiple affairs is a real problem.  Is there ever a good excuse? You read and let me know your thoughts.

Any how, after reading her book, I have much more insight and I have a softer judgement about those that do this than before.  Before I immediately dismissed these people, now well, I still dismiss them because it is none of my business but I do it much gentler now.

Thankful not to be caught up in this nonsense, we have 40 years coming up next week and they have been challenging but we are closer than ever because we chose to lean in to this relationship instead of going outside it for answers.

Life is wonderful.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Alcohol, Drugs, Sex, Hatred, A Temporary Fix To A Deeper Hurt

When you know a peaceful purpose that can heal the world, you will get committed to living it and sharing your knowledge. I listened to Byron  Katie in another interview last night and she said she would teach the work as long as she had a breath left in her, as long as there are people who can be helped by it and of course everything she has to offer is free on her website.
BK has found her purpose.

There was a day when I thought I had to speak up and let others know what is right and wrong according to my way of thinking, I was arrogant and prideful. My idea of right and wrong was not always correct. In time I learned to mind my own business to the point I let others make mistakes, on their own, I stayed out of it.  This is safe and causes little confrontation.

My studies of kindness and compassion have lead me to know, it is everyone's purpose to live a peaceful life that offers assistance to others.

What I found is you do not need money to find answers, thank God. I had none anyway, when my search began as a teenager.  But you do need to be humble enough to say, "I don't know everything, and I'm open to listen and decide for myself what is good and true. Living with alcohol, drugs, food addiction, sexual addiction, hateful negative attitudes, as a solution is no more than a temporary fix, a place to hide, that cannot deal with the real problem inside. I needed a long term fix."

When you search with a laser focus you will find ways (controlling your mind to be free from depression and anger) that are free for the discovery and practice. These methods have been taught  for thousands of years by wise sages before we were we born. Religions do not hold all the answers for anyone. You can find other ways of obtaining inner peace if you look. God will see to this, my job is to remain open to receive with an open heart the wisdom of the universe,which is and has always been peaceful and kind resolutions.

Boundaries must be set with confidence if we are to protect our minds from predators. These peaceful methods we found become paramount to practice if we are to maintain inner peace in a chaotic world. It can be done with the discipline to practice daily.

Thankful for the meditation I choose to practice every day instead of fearful actions and hateful negative thinking.  There is another way but you must seek it out, no one can do it for you. Once you find it, hold on.

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Saturday, August 11, 2018

Anger, Let It Be Until it Passes

Anger in all of us is the need to express our point when we feel we are not being heard.

An unconfused mind knows to not lash out and harm another, and not to repress the anger, this harms self.  So what do we do with this anger?

We bring it closer to home, we lean in, we root out what we are fearing. We admit we are angry and we investigate why. If we can't discover the root cause of it now, we sit with it. We let it be, knowing this is a natural human experience. 

We don't get ashamed we can't get to the root of it, we sit with calm attention, let it pass through us. The more you resist the anger, the more hardened it becomes. The hardness makes it more uncomfortable and the mind cannot receive the peace of understanding that comes with the calm mind.

When we come to the understanding that we don't yell and lash out at others when we are angry, and we don't internalise the anger to stress and sickness, now we are getting somewhere closer to the truth. The Dalai Lama taught when I heard him speak, "Talk, talk, truth will out." 

If the offender of your anger will not talk it out, you can still go inside and make peace with yourself.

In present moment, in meditation, all will be revealed to you in time. In the meantime, we patiently wait.  That we can do as wait for anger to pass through us.

As a former person of much anger, I am thankful to learn not to resist, but let it be.  Much to be learned just from this simple, not knowing, but let it be.
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Wait a Minute, Wait a MInute

Don't confuse the issue.

Studying the "present moment" and claiming this is the way to inner peace for me I listened to a Buddhist teach "there is no present. "

No present?  What do you mean I asked? So I listened and listened to the teaching again and again until a light went on in my brain.

The "present" Eckhart Tolle teaches and I apply in every situation I am confused or stressed is the "moment of peace" in your mind that you bring calm to your thoughts, this relieves stressful thinking.

The "present that is not" as taught in the Buddhist CD I'm studying, is the understanding that "life is never present" or static, "life like time, is dynamic and constantly moving." Energy is not still ever, energy is constant vibration and we are are made up of this. Matter of fact the entire world is interconnected because of this energy we share.

I laughed at the Buddhist teacher when she said in studying and making these Buddhist teachings your own, you may interpret it "homemade."  But that is the point to get closer to universal truth is it not?

Question everything, and until you make sense of it, do not accept it. You have a brain, a good heart, use it and believe in your own good self.

Now to learn "not to believe anything you think"...well that's another lesson for another day.  I get it.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

A Friend Said, Enough Already

He said, "I have had enough of Eckhart Tolle to last a lifetime."

Me, "Until I master peace of mind in every moment, I am continuing my study of his teachings, Byron Katie Mitchell, Pema Chodron, Thich Nhat Hanh, and thankful to do it."

Stevie Nicks, can I ever get enough? No.

Journey, can I ever get enough?  No.

My sweetheart husband, can I ever get enough? No.

My wonderful children, can I ever get enough? No.

Meeting great people everywhere I go, can I ever get enough? No.

Writing, can I ever get enough?  Only time will tell.

TV, social media, news, politics, negative angry attitudes?  Yes, enough!

You choose where you spend your mind, and I'll choose where I spend my mind.

It's a wonderful life.

Thankful. If none of these are me, who am I ET?  That is why I study to be aware of me. By George I think I'm getting closer, I know I am!

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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Accept, Embrace, Reconcile All the Same

It depends on what word you like best to do the same thing.  Accept each moment as if you have chosen it and take action to change, leave, or accept the situation.  All else leads to madness about things you cannot control.

The higher vibration that keeps us in a positive state of mind brings calmness and clarity. To have clarity we must have order. Think of a junk room in your house and how every time you look in you just want to close the door. Bringing order to this room means taking everything out and discarding much trash and making the room functional by organizing it. 

Once you have order then you must discipline yourself to not clutter the room again. Less stuff, more space to move and breathe.

Our mind is like this.  To get clarity one must remove or unlearn angry, negative thoughts.  When anything that you don't like happens see this as an opportunity for change. Look for new ideas, and while waiting teach yourself to be patient. If you alone cannot change a situation, patiently accept and wait. Next year the world will look different and better if you only accept, embrace, reconcile the now.

Peaceful waters of the mind are so healing. Thankful for peaceful music and meditation anytime.
Turn off TV and social media permanently if you can, rest now, your mind needs rest, your thoughts need space. 

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Monday, August 6, 2018

Keep Going If You Really Want to taste Freedom Keep Going

Harriet Tubman is a quite a woman.  Auburn, NY has a museum and a couple of houses that were hers.  Presently money is being collected to to restore the property to keep her story alive. I wonder how many people know her and care about what she did for abolition. 

When I moved to Troy, NY in 1976, I walked the streets to discover the town and found a plaque on one of the city walls about her.  This was my introduction to her and I began to read more about her dangerous life and cause, to free slaves.

She led 300 slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad in 19 trips with a gun in her hand.  She vowed to kill any slave that wanted to turn back, this was not allowed.  With this conviction every slave that traveled with her made it to freedom in Canada. 

Her motto if you really want to taste freedom, keep going applies to my own search for the peace of mind I sought for many years. If we are slaves to our thoughts we are not free. I found freedom in being present and meditation.  What I know, if anyone wants to taste freedom, if you keep searching, keep going, you will find it in your own way in your time.  Keep going, peace is worth it.

Thankful to be in the right direction now, thankful to know women like Harriet Tubman who succeeded against all odds. If she can do it, we can do it too.

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Sunday, August 5, 2018

Agnes and Kayleigh

On my way to Rochester I met a beautiful mother, daughter duo.  The mother was stopped at the rest stop taking a break from driving, standing outside the car. I walked out to my car after getting a latte, and thought I'd say, "Hi, where you heading?"  So I did...

She and her daughter (17) were traveling the Northeast looking at engineering colleges for her daughter.  The trip would be a wonderful memory of a lifetime for both of them.  Their home was Florida and although they like Florida, her daughter wanted to possibly go to school in a cooler climate. So the two were out visiting college campuses and exploring, cannot know unless you take a look.

The trip's focus was to check out colleges but the adventure of being on the road alone with your mother at this very impressionable age would be the best classroom of life teachings for her daughter before heading out into a world without her mother. Her mother, Agnes and I spoke of women, education, confidence, the world today, and how much the world has changed, how much we have changed from our own mothers.

Both of our mothers are fearful of the world and believe the  role of a woman is singular. Both of our mothers are fearful of us driving alone, especially traveling on the road for hours in the night in strange states.  But we both agree if you have triple A and a cell phone you can always get help. Agnes told me, "If worse comes to worse, I can change a tire myself!"

Many times daughters follow in their footsteps but sometimes daughters like Agnes and me take a different route.  This brave woman is currently an engineer working in a research center in Florida.  Previously living up north, one day she decided her life needed a change so she packed up her life in a car with her daughter and just drove to Florida to live. They have a great life there.  Women like this that devote the well being of the child first, seek to get the child educated and support the individual endeavors of the child, are the best type of parent to my way of thinking. 

Single mothers have always and will always have a special place in my heart.  For it is the parent, be it mom or dad, that stays with the child, raises the child, listens to the child's individual thoughts and supports the child's dream, that I believe make America great again.  It always starts in the home. It starts with the family.

Thankful to have met another woman that has heart, education, direction, and confidence.  Thanks Agnes for taking your time to share with me your story. Can hardly wait to hear what college Kayleigh chooses and if it is anywhere near Albany, NY, you can always stay with me in your travels, I'll keep a light on for you. 😉

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