Thursday, April 30, 2020

Day 30 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300 Plus Ten

If you are wondering, "Why the list? Read April 1, 2020 post.

The Quail Writer is a freedom-loving person. My fantasy is that people worldwide will be free to choose their way of life that does no harm.  I'm so darn rebellious, opinionated, disagreeable, and kindhearted that I'm thankful to be born in the U.S.A. and live among peaceful people.  There is no guarantee I would be alive in other countries with my out-spoken rebellious individual views especially because I am a woman.  Over the years  I have heard many stories from friends that immigrated here to escape poverty and tyranny. These stories along with the intense thankfulness of these immigrants now to be legal American citizens has never left my memory.

The voices of these immigrants are sharper than a razor's edge to alert them to any law that this government begins to put in motion that reminds them of the regime they left behind.
Yikes! There have been many objections made by these freedom-loving immigrants to alert my ears to such laws that impede on "We, the people" self-sovereignty and personal freedoms.

Americans simply accept these laws because we are good law-abiding people that love our families, communities, our neighbors, and country, and we expect the elected public servants to be the same as us. We do not agree with every policy on the agenda of elected public servants but that is why "We, the people" can VOTE these public servants out of office when we disagree with their policies.

Sadder still is to see the angry confused youth of this country that do not know the reasons this country was formed or how to take positive actions to make a difference. These youth do not know the incredible document we are governed by, the U.S. Constitution, nor their individual rights. The youth focus on the history of the life they did not live instead of focusing on the purpose of the people that fought to give them the freedoms of today.

Suggested reading by author Steven Pinker is his book titled:
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress.

The U.S.A. gives more opportunities today for women to excel in business, education, and personal freedom than ever before. If you are a legal citizen, you have the right to choose your religious beliefs so religion need not stop you here, cultural backgrounds need not stop you here, being a woman need not stop you here, socio-economic background need not stop you here, being a person of no title need not stop you here, we have no caste system or separation from the elected public servants, there is no "written" division of individual worth in our U.S. Constitution to prevent you from the pursuit of your personal goals or to feel less than anyone here if you are a legal citizen.

If you stop yourself from achieving here in these United States from being the best you can be, it is in your mind, because it is not in the original U.S. Constitution that this government is founded upon.

So I give you my final ten grateful items that I guide my personal life by as well as my public life. We can agree to disagree and cooperate without hatred to wish harm to another. Those barbaric days are passed in the minds of today's civilized peace-seeking people. It is time to move forward. There is much work to do to keep the democracy of this peaceful country balanced. We must VOTE our conscience for the public servants we elect next time. We VOTE, we do no harm to anyone. The elected public servants mean well but they need the help of "We, the people" to keep them in line with the country's U.S. Constitution.

It is "We, the people" that govern ourselves in these United States of America.

306) I'm grateful for the elected public servants that try to do the best they know for the American people to make this country better with every decision.
307) I'm grateful for the various "experts" that calculate, to the best of their abilities, accurate data (Although not standardized,) to provide elected public servants data to make better decisions to serve the American citizens.
308) I'm grateful for a democracy where "We, the people" can vote for the public servants we deem to be the best reflection of our personal goals to give the government balanced opinions to debate.
309) I'm grateful for the internet that offers many more facts for the American people to evaluate for themselves outside of mainstream media and opinions of the elected public servants, what laws actually ensure our individual freedoms when we move through any crisis.
310) I'm grateful for the good conscience of the elected public servants to guide them each day.
311) I'm grateful for the voices of good people the world over that use critical thinking skills they were born with to make freedom, health, and peace possible in their country too.
312) I'm grateful for good parents worldwide that want education and opportunity for their children and live with that focus daily to make that happen for future generations.
313) I'm grateful for immigrants that come here to provide a better life for themselves and their family left behind in a foreign country.
314) I'm grateful for immigrants that remind Americans that family unity is paramount in importance.
315) I'm grateful for every person in the world because I truly believe:

Your life is a gift to the world. How will you make it better for you, your family, and the world? The answer is inside you. Grateful you are here. 

**Now it is your turn to keep the "Grateful attitude" going every day until better days arrive. You can do it, I did.  Write the list out every day and reread it often, be careful, your mind is listening to positives! Next start writing thank you cards and mail them to the intended. Yes, I do this as well and continue the practice today. I write ten cards a minimum every month. You decide how many you write, it is just a suggestion. Back to writing my first book.  😉

Immigration people on world map Royalty Free Vector Image

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Day 29 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why the list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

296) I'm grateful for true friends that understand to reciprocate personal boundaries with respect is to have a closer 'heart' relationship that lasts a lifetime
297) I'm grateful for true friends that are as excited to spend time with me as I am to spend time with them. (Although we are very busy, we make time to connect, this is true friendship. We may not have quantity of time but we have quality meaningful conversations when we do connect.)
298) I'm grateful for true friends that can have totally opposite viewpoints but still listen to another perspective with a view to discovering new avenues of ideas without the need to become angry or cut others off.  (This wisdom comes with age unless you are wise enough to learn it from the elders.)
299) I'm grateful for true friends that are tenacious about their cause but optimistic and open.
300) I'm grateful for true friendships that are balanced in reciprocity.

That is 300 and we did not need 30 Days!

Once you become grateful, you become peaceful and innovative ideas can arise in the mind because you are calm. When I discovered I was weak-minded by listening to the self-depredating words I told myself when I failed at anything, that made me not want to try again or the opposite, excessive anger from the arrogance that would arise when I was self-righteously angry, to blame circumstances or others.  Neither of these caused me to become closer to the successful outcome I sought...

I knew I had to change.

I was out of balance emotionally, caused by no emotional stop button, and a load of ego-centric pride. I had no control to slow down, think before I respond instead I reacted badly. I had no daily discipline of healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and positive thinking. This combined with out of bounds mental naivete through lack of secular scientific and medical information and ignorance of scientific facts crippled my critical thinking skills severely.

Manners were drilled into me but I had no confidence.

Ignorance is NOT bliss!

Today with access to information worldwide because of technology, 'Ignorance is a choice." The first step so easy one may dismiss the tremendous power, "Be grateful for what you have today."

So this "List to 300" is not a set of new tires under warranty, "300 or 30 Days" whichever comes first, it is a month of gratefulness.  (Back to 'True Friendship' list, five to go)

301) I'm grateful for true friends that don't crowd me but give me space, and likewise, I do the same for them.
302) I'm grateful for true friends that make time when I call him or her in a crisis so I may benefit from their voice of reason for advisement.
303) I'm grateful for true friends that offer to help when I have a project to do at home or work if available.
304) I'm grateful for true friends that enjoy their privacy as much as I do and have no need to be in contact with me every day. We know all is well with one another until we connect again. If we can get together for dinner, a hike, coffee, etc.we ask the other if it is in their schedule, we're busy.
305) I'm grateful for true friends that spend time together out of love, not duty.

What close friendships do you have that you treasure and make time for because you love that person?

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Deconstructing the Meme, Volume 1: That Jefferson Quote

Monday, April 27, 2020

Day 28 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ list to 300

If you are wondering, "Why this post?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

285) I'm grateful for the candles.
286) I'm grateful for the fun it is to make homemade candles with children.
287) I'm grateful for candles that are scented that make every room an aromatherapy room.
288) I'm grateful for camp candles to pack in my backpack and take on camping trips.
289) I'm grateful for votive candles to make any room romantic.
290) I'm grateful for colorful long stem candles to set in a candelabra to accent the table elegance.
291) I'm grateful for candle wax to melt inside a boyfriend's high school ring to fit my smaller finger, his girlfriend. (A fun memory)
292) I'm grateful for candlelight in an electrical storm when electricity has gone out.
293) I'm grateful for electric candle lights to use in a classroom when real flames cannot be used.
294) I'm grateful for candles to light in churches, etc. for reverent ambiance on holidays.
295) I'm grateful for candles to light when meditating.

Candles are such a part of my life, I can't imagine life without them. The fire, the scent, the dancing flame, I enjoy everything about candlelight.  I light a candle almost every day. This sparks joy for me! A small thing to spark joy, what small thing sparks joy for you that you can incorporate into your life every day? Do that and be thankful.

Your life is a gift to the world. What light will you add to the world? Grateful you are here and grateful to see what you will teach us.

6 Lantern Festivals Around the World

Day 27 ~ Gratefulness for 30 days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why the list?" Read April 1, 2020 post of the blog.

275) I'm grateful for gloves.
276) I'm grateful for fur-lined gloves on a snowmobile ride that feels so soft and warm.
277) I'm grateful for kid gloves that match in color a luxurious double-breasted wool coat, stunning.
278) I'm grateful for long sleeve gloves that make an evening gown perfect.
279) I'm grateful for leather gloves that make working outside chopping wood easier on the hands.
280) I'm grateful for plastic gloves that make handling meat to form hamburgers easier cleanup time.
281) I'm grateful for latex gloves that keep paint off my hands while I do acrylic pours.
282) I'm grateful for padded gloves that give a tighter grip on the control handles to make driving an ATV easier to maneuver.
283) I'm grateful for mittens that have a tie between them to keep up with two.
284) I'm grateful for 'Thinsulate' gloves that keep hands extra warm while skiing and thin enough to keep hands-on the poles.

Your life is a gift to the world. How will you lend a hand to help the world? Grateful you are here.MARVEL® Hero Elite Series: Iron Man Boxing Gloves by Hayabusa ...

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Day 26 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, 'Why the list?" Check out post-April 1, 2020 of The Quail Writer.

265) I'm grateful for cork.
266) I'm grateful for cork boards to post notes on.
267) I'm grateful for cork that can be used for a pincushion'
268) I'm grateful for cork bottom pottery to save furniture from scratches.
269) I'm grateful for the cork to use as a spout on the vinegar jar.
270) I'm grateful for a cork to burn one end, let cool, and use for face paint for a costume.
271) I'm grateful for charred cork a football player can use to reduce glare from stadium lights or sun.
272) I'm grateful for cork that can be cut to make pads to glue to furniture feet to reduce sound.
273) I'm grateful for the cork to carve into different shapes to create a stamp that can be dipped in ink for festive designs to decorate envelopes or artwork.
274) I'm grateful for a cork piece to use as an earring back if you can't find a metal backing.

Of course, we have seen corks arranged inside a frame to remember a special event but that was too obvious. Thankful to know when to speak and when to put a cork in it, to be quiet, and calmly listen to different perspectives with a goal for a solution. Patience teaches wisdom and wisdom teaches cooperation.

What positive solutions will you add to every discussion today?

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Cork was used for insulation in rockets, wonder if Elon Musk used it in his latest launch? Did you see it? If not look for it on his Star X link to find when it will be available for viewing again. It was magnificent! Thank you, Elon for airing that!

Foam and Cork Insulation Protects Deep Space Rocket from Fire and ...

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Day 25 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why the list?" Check out post-April 1, 2020 of The Quail Writer.

255) I'm grateful for circles.
256) I'm grateful for roundabouts that make driving through the intersection more efficient.
257) I'm grateful for rings to wear on your finger that remind you of someone or something special.
258) I'm grateful for rings around Saturn that can be seen with high powered telescope various times when scientists alert us.
259) I'm grateful for bracelets that add spark to an outfit for fun.
260) I'm grateful for necklaces that hold a special meaning to the one wearing it.
261) I'm grateful for the circular chandeliers that entertain with dancing lights.
262) I'm grateful for cylinder containers that hold anything from oil, soup, rockets, to candle wax.
263) I'm grateful for circular ice core augers, a cutting device that cuts deep ice cylinders for the scientist to study for knowledge of the evolution of the ice age to present. (The first auger was created in 1932 and has not changed much since.)
264) I'm grateful for the appearance of a circular sun and moon, both give light to help us.

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Ok, Wassily Kandinsky is my husband's favorite artist, I had to use Kandinsky painting, (Color study: Squares with concentric circles, 1913)

Wassily Kandinsky — Color Study. Squares with Concentric Circles, 1913

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Day 24 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why the list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

243) I'm grateful for rainforests.
244) I'm grateful for these "lungs" of the planet that take in incredible amounts of CO2 to make oxygen for the entire planet to help stabilize the earth's climate.
245) I'm grateful for the constant temperature of a rainforest 70 to 85 degrees, which provides a humid environment for delicate flowers such as orchids and many others.
246) I'm grateful for the rainfall that can be as much as 400 inches per year that is crucial to provide fresh drinking water for animals and humans.
247) I'm grateful for the foods a rainforest provides such as citrus, avocado, cashew, and brazil nuts.
248) I'm grateful for the spices a rainforest provides such as sugar and vanilla.
249) I'm grateful for the favorite drinks found in rainforests we humans enjoy such as coffee, tea, and cocoa, yum!
250) I'm grateful for the cleansing effect rainfall has on the atmosphere as it falls to the ground.
251) I'm grateful for the unique mammals that live in the rainforest such as jaguars, toucans, okapi, and sloths, etc.
252) I'm grateful for the insects and large butterflies that harbor there.
253) I'm grateful for the bamboo that grows in abundance that can be grown quickly to create flooring, cutting boards, blinds, paintbrushes, clothing, etc.
254) I'm grateful my husband took me to see a rainforest in Puerto Rico for our thirtieth anniversary, it was a honeymoon worth waiting for and we loved the people.

The rainforest was one of our favorite memories.

Your life is a gift to the world. You are as unique as the rainforest and as plentiful in ideas. What beneficial ideas will you share with the world? Grateful you are here, you are needed here too.

What is an okapi?

Okapi | mammal | Britannica

Day 23 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ LIst to 300

If you are wondering, 'Why the list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

233) I'm grateful for hair.
234) I'm grateful for hair on an animal that makes it soft to touch, so soothing to both of us.
235) I'm grateful for horsehair that once was used to stuff the couches long ago.
236) I'm grateful for human hair used to make wigs.
237) I'm grateful for hair tresses used by chemists to design hair products.
238) I'm grateful for human hair on mannequin heads for cosmetology schools to teach students how to cut and style hair for future clients.
239) I'm grateful for animal hair left on the lawn after combing our cat that I have seen birds swoop up to build a nest. (There was a nest built in my kayak last spring. Upon closer inspection there was fur from our white cat woven in it.)
240) I'm grateful for hair that grows out once you get a haircut you don't like.
241) I'm grateful for hair that was used at times to make a rope by Native Americans.
242) I'm grateful for body hair that helps to regulate body temperature and the processes of hair removal in areas it is undesirable.

If this list makes you smile, good.

This one was a stretch but I had to make a harder topic for me to stretch my imagination. If you need the inspiration to find a line, pull from your memory and google suggestions to spark your imagination, ask someone to help you make the list, whatever you need to write a list and focus on the list to feel thankful, do it. Stretch your mind to get out of the box, this exercise alone will open your mind to think new ideas.

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

The New Lizard Hair Style SUPERIOR HOLD Bench Tag Your Friend Who ...

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 22 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, 'Why the list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

223) I'm grateful for gravity to bring me down when I skydive. (If I flew up, up, and away, I would freeze and suffocate.)
224) I'm grateful for the song, "Gravity" that John Mayer wrote! One of my favorites!
225) I'm grateful that gravity keeps the moon orbiting the earth so we can watch it.
226) I'm grateful that gravity keeps us at the correct distance from the sun for the correct temperature to grow our plants.
227) I'm grateful that gravity keeps the atmosphere here to have air to breathe and circulate water to make rainfall.
228) I'm grateful for gravity to give us the force of the weight to do push-ups for resistance to exercise and stay healthy.
229) I'm grateful for gravity to keep a golf ball on earth or we would never retrieve it!
230) I'm grateful for gravity to hold the planet earth together and not blow apart.
231) I'm grateful for gravity to keep the water going down so we can wash everything.
232) I'm grateful for gravity that keeps a car on the road when driving fast around a curve.

Now that an invisible force has my feet safely planted on the ground, (no assistance needed from me) it's my job to get my head out of the clouds and find reasons to think positive thoughts and be thankful for the life I have every day. 

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Yes, I did skydive on my 50th birthday, I loved it.

Skydive Saratoga - IAD and Tandem Skydiving in Saratoga

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 21 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, 'Why the list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

213) I'm grateful for bows.
214) I'm grateful for pretty bows that make a child's hair cuter.
215) I'm grateful for bows that make a present look festive.
216) I'm grateful for bows that we teach a toddler to tie in a shoe.
217) I'm grateful for black bow ties that make a tuxedo look smart.
218) I'm grateful for a bow and arrows for target practice in sport.
219) I'm grateful for colorful bows that make a wreath on your door or in your house give your home a stylish look.
220) I'm grateful for a bow of string on your finger to remind you to do something later.
221) I'm grateful for a bow on your mailbox at holiday time to remind us to celebrate.
222) I'm grateful for a rainbow in the sky and if lucky, see a double rainbow.

Your life is a gift to the world. When all is said and done in your life, what will you tie it up to mean?
Grateful you are here.

How Is a Rainbow Formed? -

Monday, April 20, 2020

Day 20 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why this list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

203) I'm grateful for stories.
204) I'm grateful for love stories that end in happiness.
205) I'm grateful for stories of lessons learned by our wise elders told to the young so they will not make the same mistakes.
206) I'm grateful for nursery rhymes that teach the babies the A, B, Cs, and names of animals.
207) I'm grateful for adolescent stories that teach children to be brave and believe in themselves.
208) I'm grateful for adventure stories that inspired a teenager to read more.
209) I'm grateful for mystery plots that teach critical thinking skills that one can use outside a book.
210) I'm grateful for autobiographies that let the person tell their own thoughts as a result of the life they lived.
211) I'm grateful for biographies about that same person to see the many facets others saw in that life
212) I'm grateful for the story of your life that you have the power to write every day. Your biography does not determine your destiny.

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here, how will your life's story unfold to reveal the best version of you?  You decide.

Quote Of The Day: While Writing The Story Of Your Life, Don't Let ...

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Day 19 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why the list?" read April 1, 2020 post of the blog.

193) I'm grateful for leaves.
194) I'm grateful for spring leaves that begin as the bud of a bush or tree to let me know warmer weather is near.
195) I'm grateful for autumn leaves that have many colors to admire on an autumn drive.
196) I'm grateful for dry leaves gathered to start a campfire.
197) I'm grateful for wood furniture leaves to put in the middle of a table to make the table larger to seat more family and guests at a holiday dinner.
198) I'm grateful for artificial leaves in plants to add life to a room in my house.
199) I'm grateful for leaf shape jewelry to wear in a bracelet, necklace, earrings or ring.
200) I'm grateful for leaves sculpted and painted on a porcelain flower vase.
201) I'm grateful for leather leaves sewn on a beautiful pair of shoes.
202) I'm grateful for embroidered leaves on clothing and coats that make a coat unique in design.

I'm grateful when the last of the fallen leaves are raked and taken to the woods to clear the lawn. What legacy will you 'leave' for us to remember the best part of you? 

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here. 

Women's Elite Brown Leather Sandals Leaf Style 8 -

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Day 18 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why the list?" read April 1, 2020 post of the blog.

181) I'm grateful for heat.
182) I'm grateful for a warm sauna on a winter day, it feels marvelous.
183) I'm grateful for the oven that bakes casseroles, loaves of bread, and other yummy foods.
184) I'm grateful for a heating blanket when snuggling down in bed.
185) I'm grateful for a heating pad for sore muscle relief and warming up feet.
186) I'm grateful for heat in a house in winter.
187) I'm grateful for heat in a car.
188) I'm grateful for heat from the sun to give us a beautiful tan and provide Vitamin D to our immune system naturally.
189) I'm grateful for a heated in-ground pool to swim in comfort year-round.
190) I'm grateful for warm rivers, creeks, and ponds to swim in for relaxation and fun.
191) I'm grateful for a blow dryer to dry hair and other uses quickly. (Art paint, etc.)
192) I'm grateful for the heat that kills harmful viruses or bacteria.

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here. What will you give to expand the knowledge of the world we live? You have much more than you know, look within. What are you grateful for? There is much around you now. Focus on those and fear has to disappear. Try it.

How about Some Sunny Dinner Conversation? - The Family Dinner ...

Friday, April 17, 2020

Day 17 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300"

If you are wondering, "Why the list?" Read April 1, 2020 post of 'The Quail Writer.'

171) I'm grateful for mirrors.
172) I'm grateful for mirrors to send morse code messages at a distance.
173) I'm grateful for mirrors inside a telescope to reflect faraway images on a magnifying lens.
174) I'm grateful for mirrors inside a camera to focus the perfect image.
175) I'm grateful for mirrors on a dental instrument the dentist needs to see inside the mouth.
176) I'm grateful for mirrors on moving vehicles, front and side to safely navigate driving.
178) I'm grateful for reflective mirrors on operating room lights in a position to see the area clearly.
179) I'm grateful for mirrors to check to see my outfit matches, to comb my hair, and put on makeup.
180) I'm grateful to decorative mirrors that make a room reflect outside light into a room.

Your life is a gift to the world. What will your life reflect? Grateful you are here.

Group mirrors on the wall for a design statement (Decorating Tip ...

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 16 ~Gratefuness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you want to know, 'Why the list?" Read the post on April 1, 2020.

161) I'm grateful for stars in the sky.
162) I'm grateful for astronomists that gage weather and seasons by the location of stars int the sky. This is phenomenal scientific research begun in an age when powerful telescopes had not been invented. Scientists KNOW stuff and write it to share with us that want to know too!
163) I'm grateful for the North star being constant so lost travelers can find their way home. I have used the North star to find my way when lost in the woods, it works.
164) I'm grateful for shooting stars that make lying out at night a fun game to play with children.
165) I'm grateful for scientists that predict meteor showers' dates, so my husband and I can lie outside in the driveway with our binoculars and watch these for hours for great fun in the middle of the night in our lounge chair with blankets. He's a fun date!
166) I'm grateful for the light the planets/stars give to a dark backdrop.
168) I'm grateful for the "Milky Way" and the aurora borealis that inspires in us the wonder of the natural world.
169) I'm grateful for stars that line up in the same formation to be named an animal by those astronomers of old that found the formation to be consistent.
170) I'm grateful for science that predicts an eclipse so my Sweetheart and I can make an impromptu trip down to Tennessee, at his suggestion, to see it. We saw a total eclipse August 21, 2017 in Spring City, TN. There were no rooms available so we slept in our car at a truck stop and found a public baseball field to park and watch. Good times! We met good people from all over the USA. My Sweetheart is so much fun! People are fun!

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

SPRING CITY TENNESSEE Solar Eclipse Souvenir Gift T Shirt-CL

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 15 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you want to know, 'Why the list?" Go to the April 1, 2020 post.

*By now you are bound to see that you CAN choose to focus on things you are grateful for instead of things you are afraid of. When I began this journey to give myself personal power I thought to be grateful was something I already knew how to do because I religiously prayed. But repetitive daily recitations of prayers and positive affirmations did not work for me. I did not have actual feelings of appreciation and so I remained trapped with my anger and victim mentality. I had to find another way to think.

Children come to the conclusion there is only ONE way because children do not have the ability to critically think through a problem or the wisdom to see the outcomes. That wisdom comes from life experience and your elders. If the elders in your life taught you nothing you will need to find your own tools. You have no choice but to teach yourself. I chose to change me to be more positive by reading books. To grow up is to KNOW there is always another way, a better way if you keep seeking, you will find it. 

You decide what works for you. You will anyway, you will live the life you choose every day for the rest of your life until you change your direction by making better choices. It begins in the mind with thoughts you focus on 24/7.

Are you getting the rhythm of this? Do you find it helpful?

Today's list was a challenge I set before me to see what 10 things I could come up with, bones.

151) I'm grateful for my bones.
152) I'm grateful for strong bones that frame my body and give it shape to move.
153) I'm grateful for bones discovered in archeological digs to form dinosaur skeletons to study animal forms and the evolution.
154) I'm grateful for human bones found that can be reconstructed to give an artistic rendition of the actual face for finding the truest likeness of a face of historical note.
155) I'm grateful for human body bones that forensic scientists study to find causes of death.
156) I'm grateful for deer antlers found in the woods that are interesting to study to determine the age of the buck by guessing.
157) I'm grateful to see the humongous tusks displayed on an elephant in the wild.
158) I'm grateful for soft fontanels in a baby's head to protect the small brain before the bones fuse around a fully-formed adult brain.
159) I'm grateful for bone marrow that manufactures red blood cells, white blood cells, lymphocytes, and platelets that build our immune system.
160) I'm grateful for teeth that show a smile. (With or without teeth a smile is fun to see on any face.)

Did you know there's are around 270 "bones/cartilage" in the human body at birth and through a fusion of cartilage over time the average adult has 206 bones as an adult? Also, although teeth are part of the skeletal system, teeth are not considered bones because teeth do not have marrow that produces the above mentioned. I did not know that! Thanks, scientists for clarifying that for me.

Now the scientific theory that humans evolved is somewhat applicable. Did humans evolve from apes?  You decide, what theory makes you feel safe and confident without stress? Believe that. Whatever makes you calm in your mind enough to remain peaceful with yourself and others is key. No need to argue over such an insignificant detail. Moving forward, a variety of opinions is the spice of life and is the stimulus for scientists to research.  The belief is not as important as peaceful cooperation to agree to disagree. One must admit from the skeletal observation there are similarities.

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Skeltons Stock Photos & Skeltons Stock Images - Alamy

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Day 14 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why this post?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

141) I'm grateful for internal body organs that keep me healthy when I eat well and exercise every day.
142) I'm grateful for my heart that pumps blood around my body to be alive.
143) I'm grateful for lungs that oxygenate my blood to be healthy.
144) I'm grateful for veins that take blood to every part of my body for nourishment.
145) I'm grateful for my brain that when fed positive information clears the mind to make useful decisions for me.
146) I'm grateful for my throat to take food to my stomach for further transportation to my body.
147) I'm grateful for my liver that cleanses the blood.
148) I'm grateful for kidneys that process and flush out body waste.
149) I'm grateful for skin, my first line of defense against disease.
150) I'm grateful for ribs that protect the vital organs in my chest.

Of course, there are many more organs I love that we humans have but this is the top ten for the day.

The human body is an amazing piece of machinery that can withstand much abuse and bounce back with healthy habits and discipline to seek out healthier ways of living once you decide to change to healthier habits. Since childhood, I have believed the human body can heal itself if given the chance without drugs. The immunity system can build up resistance to foreign pathogens when exposed. No one taught me this, I was born that way. However, I did grow up watching my family eat fresh vegetables out of the garden and fresh farm meat. Water was the beverage of the day.

Our town was so small we did not have a fast-food restaurant in town, not a pizza parlor in sight until my teenage years. Wow, I guess the Yankees are right, the South is backward in foods at least, thank God for that!

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Human Body Organs Systems Infographic Anatomy Stock Illustration ...

Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 13 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why this list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

131) I'm grateful for my eyes.
132) I'm grateful for my eyes that see color in the world. (Sunrise, sunset, mountains, trees, sky, etc.)
133) I'm grateful for my eyes to read road signs to navigate a car.
134) I'm grateful for my eyes that see clearly after laser surgery. (Or with bifocals myopically)
135) I'm grateful for my eyes to read books, news, articles, etc. that open my mind and heart to be knowledgeable about everything I question in the world.
136) I'm grateful for my eyes to see people and look for ways to be kind to others.
137) I'm grateful for my eyes to see children smile, their smiles make my day.
138) I'm grateful for my eyes that watch a child's eyes widen when their mind is opened because they understand after I taught something they were curious about or did not know before.
139) I'm grateful for the ability to look at any stressful situation and find a way to help, sometimes the best way to help is to be present and say nothing. (This silent action takes wisdom)
140) I'm grateful for my eyes to see my Sweetheart every day, his sparkling eyes that light up when I enter a room, his beautiful hands that are working to serve his family every day, and his gorgeous natural teeth that give him such a friendly smile. (I love beautiful hands and teeth in anyone, Ok, you caught me, my husband is one good-looking man to me)

Your life is a gift to the world. What are you grateful to see every day? Grateful you are here.

Two Eyes Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Day 12 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you want to know, "Why the list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

121) I'm grateful for dolls.
122) I'm grateful for baby "Sally Rand" my first baby doll (A fire baby given to me by my Grandfather) that I loved dragging around by her pointer finger while I drank my bottle until I pulled her finger off and I had my first hard cry over something I caused to happen that damaged a doll I loved.
123) I'm grateful for my "doll" of a mother that pretended to be a doctor and laid Sally Rand out on a pillowcase and got needle and thread and told me she would perform an operation and sewed the finger back on for me. This relieved my tears and made me so happy to have Sally Rand whole again. Now I learned to drag her by her entire hand to not have that happen again.
124) I'm grateful for the beautiful dolls I have bought over the last 40 years that remind me of women I admire, Clara Barton, Susan B. Anthony, and Florence Nightengale to name a few, I look at these and get extremely thankful for the things these women accomplished to make the world a better place for everyone to live as a result of their desire to be the best they could be.
125) I'm grateful for the beautiful sparkly mermaid dolls I bought as a memento of our visit to Top Sail Island and our Marine son in Jacksonville.  Dolls that fuel a creative mind are fun to have in a doll case.
126) I'm grateful for tiny soft dolls that babies love to hold in their tiny hands that give them comfort and a sense of ownership.  Many babies will cry when their doll is missing.
127) I'm grateful for dolls that walk, talk, and cry when wet so I could pretend I was a real caretaker when they "pretend" needed me. I had a fuzzy brown dog that walked, a Cheerful Tearful doll that I could give a bottle to and it would need me to change her diaper and a Chatty Cathy doll that said she liked me when I pulled her neck string.  Already an artist's mind by birth, these really sent me soaring in my imagination. So much fun to be little and have toys.
128) I love the water globe dolls I have bought to make me smile every time I hold them and turn the globe to see sparkles and snowfall all around the delicately painted figures in the middle of the globe. My favorite globes are my Christmas globes, including a Polar Express train globe, (I worked as an actor, a dancing chef on the first Polar Express train in Saratoga one season), my NYC Rockettes globe, (The globe is pictured below) and my water globe souvenir from the musical 'WICKED" with Glenda the good watch and Alba the bad witch in the middle, I love when good and bad come together in peaceful outcomes.
129) I'm grateful that my mother-in-law thought enough of me to give the antique baby doll that she treasured as a child to me as her 'only daughter,' her words, not mine.
130) I'm grateful to have our own wonderful children that when they were tiny were my real dolls to play with that I loved so, now they have grown and are no longer baby dolls, but I remember the wonderful joyful years I shared playing with them when they were little. So much FUN! Grateful always for our children. (My husband calls me his "Dolly" I love that.)

"Be a doll will ya and make me a cup of tea? Or I will make you one, either way, we can sit and chat and be friends. Even if we share a cup of tea while chatting on the phone, we're connected. Remember good times, there are many if you will slow down and just think."

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Radio City Rockettes Glitter/White/Silver Snow Dome Globe 5"

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day 11 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you want to know, "Why the list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

111) I'm grateful for fans.
112) I'm grateful for cardboard fans on popsicle sticks to fan myself in church when I was young and at the picnic outside after.
113) I'm grateful for a beautiful oriental fan I bought at an antique store 40 years ago that have sterling silver diamond-shaped ornaments on the silk fan, this fan causes me to enjoy the beauty of the craftsmanship in it.
114)  I'm grateful for overhead fans at beach resorts that swirl the cool air around the room and over the bed for a comfortable night's sleep and the beautiful overhead fans in our house that do the same.
115) I'm grateful for fans in the cars that move hot air out to keep us warm in freezing Northern months and that same fan that moves cold air out in the car to keep us cool in the summer.
116) I'm grateful for a portable fan to set near an art piece to dry the paint quickly for a show.
117) I'm grateful for hair dryers that dry our hair quickly when we need it.
118) I'm grateful for small table fans to sit by my bed at night and give me a cool breeze, especially enjoyed these during the "hot flash years," ladies you know what I mean, and husbands you do too.
119) I'm grateful for overhead fans that entertained our babies as they pointed at them while holding their bottle relaxing in their carrier rocker on the floor, which gave me extra minutes to do a task at home.
120) I'm grateful for fans of a heater that I can move around the room to dry a paper floor I put down in the art studio to move the project along to completion. There are many steps to putting a paper floor down and one cannot rush the next step before the current one is completely dry or you will have a mess. I know, I have spent hours repairing unforeseen mistakes. I could write a blog about this now for sure. By George, I think I will!

Sidebar:  The exclamation "By George" is old, first recorded in the 16th century it is a substitute to "God" as are words like "Golly," "Ginger," "Gosh," "Gum," and other similar euphemistic words.

Your life is a gift to the world, Grateful you are here. Enjoy your life it is the only life you have now.
Magnificent Antique Tiffany & Co. Point de Gaze and Mother of image 6

Friday, April 10, 2020

Day 10 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are asking, "Why this list?" Read April 1, 2020 post in

96) I'm grateful for information easily accessed through the computer.
97) I'm grateful to be able to access a train ticket, etc. through my iPhone to get on board.
98) I'm grateful to watch movies on my home PC that I buy online.
99) I'm grateful to access my bank information on my iPhone and make a deposit with a picture of a check instantly.
100) I'm extremely grateful to have an IT man for my husband that opened a new way of learning online to me.
101) I'm grateful for my husband and children that teach me how to use the computer.
102) I'm grateful to order more rare books online and the ability to research to find these when the books are not in any local public libraries or bookstores.
103) I'm grateful for a husband that sets me up with complete comfort with WiFi, wireless headphones, Chromecast to every TV in the house, and takes time to teach me how to use each device.
104) I'm grateful to shop online to send packages and flowers to loved ones without stepping out of the house on holidays or special occasions. (I really appreciate ordering gifts and setting up a delivery date a month ahead of time and then forget the date to move on with daily activities)
105) I'm grateful that I can forget an important occasion for a loved one and go online the day of and send a gift immediately.
106) I'm grateful I can find tickets to sold-out events online and still be able to attend the date I choose.
107) I'm grateful to make dinner reservations and then go directly to the restaurant and be seated immediately.
108) I'm grateful to order rare handmade items from familiar sites that help the small business owner in our country thrive, and yes I will happily pay more for these.
109) I'm grateful to take online courses for college degrees and tests online from the comfort of my home anytime night or day. (That was my favorite part of college when I was gathering college credits)
110) I'm grateful to know when to bring a list to the end because I could go on endlessly about how much I love technology.

When you know how to access information and have unlimited access to knowledge worldwide, it connects us all. Technology is a dream come true I did not know I had, one that gives knowledge and connection to the world yet satisfies my need to be alone to create and spend time with our family.

Your life is a gift to the world. What knowledge will you share with the rest of us? Grateful you are here.

The 7 Biggest Technology Trends That Will Transform Telecoms In 2020

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Day 9 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you want to know, "Why this list? " Read April 1, 2020 post of

86) I'm grateful for my feet.
87) I'm grateful for my feet that have run or walked thousands of miles to take me where I wanted to go in all kinds of weather.
88) I'm grateful that my feet have helped regained my balance when I tripped.
89) I'm grateful to have my feet that jumped pogo sticks for hours when I was a child. (FUN!)
90) I'm grateful to have feet that acted as flippers to help me swim through water.
91) I'm grateful for my feet that have jumped rope for exercise and fun.
92) I'm grateful to have my feet to put comfortable hiking boots on and walk through nature.
93) I'm grateful to have feet that can play hopscotch with a child for fun.
94) I'm grateful to have feet to play footsie under the covers with my husband. (He initiates that.)
95) I'm grateful to have feet to bring closure to the ankles, otherwise, the stumps would be a bit odd-looking wouldn't they?

Fact: On average, a person will have walked about 75,000 miles by the time they turn 80. This is about the same distance as going around the entire earth at the Equator three times. If you are athletic or have been in your youth, you are way over 75,000 miles at an earlier age.

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Prehensile Feet: People With Feet Similar to Monkeys - Superior ...

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Day 8 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you want to know, "Why this list?" Read April 1, 2020 post of

76) I'm grateful for my pillows.
77) I'm grateful for throw pillows for the floor when you are sitting in front of a winter fireplace.
78) I'm grateful for pillows to prop my legs up when sitting for long periods of time writing.
79) I'm grateful for multiple pillows used to snuggle up next to while sleeping.
80) I'm grateful for decorative pillows that help to tie the colors of a room together on the couch.
81) I'm grateful for extra pillows to make my back comfortable in the bed when leaning back to read a book in bed.
82) I'm grateful for plastic pillows to lay my head on when in a bubble bath.
83) I'm grateful for the blow-up plastic pillow on a pool float to enjoy while chillaxing in the backyard pool.
84) I'm grateful for my beautiful Morrocan style meditation pillows to sit upon when meditating daily.
85) I'm grateful to be able to use my arm as a pillow when I'm lying outside on the ground, yes I do this as often as possible on warmer days.

When I stop and focus on each of these, it brings a smile of joy to me because it reminds me of a time I have enjoyed living my life. In time with daily practice, being grateful taught me to be thankful for every moment, no matter how small, to enjoy this life I live. To be thankful I had to slow down to see and appreciate this world.  As an older person, I see that life is short and we choose how we spend our time in every adversity we face. I want peace within if it cannot be outside of me. It is my choice, it will be your choice too. When you practice gratefulness daily it helps set the focus of your day.

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Meditation Cushions & Benches | Zafu Pillows Zabutons

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Day 7 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are want to know, "Why this list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

65) I'm grateful for brushes to do different tasks.
66) I'm grateful for wide flat brushes with short handles to refresh the paint on doors and corners.
67) I'm grateful for synthetic brushes to make clean strokes for a polyurethane topcoat.
68) I'm grateful for natural hair in artist brushes (there are so many of these, round and flat) that make just the right marks in my paintings.
69) I'm grateful for brooms that sweep away the dirt on the floor.
70) I'm grateful for toilet bowl brushes to keep the bowls sparkling and sanitary.
71) I'm grateful for hairbrushes.
72) I'm grateful for toothbrushes to keep my teeth clean and my breath fresh.
73) I'm grateful for metal brushes to clean engine parts when doing repairs.
74) I'm thankful for rakes that brush the leaves to have a clear yard.
75) I'm thankful for narrow brushes to clean out my reusable drinking straws.

Your life is a gift to the world.  Grateful you are here. Let's keep focusing on what we do have now to remain thankful and practice this inner peace when the outer world is not peaceful. The only thing you can control when the world is not as YOU would like it to be, is your perspective. When we stay calm our creative ideas can flow.

Paintbrush - Wikipedia

Monday, April 6, 2020

Day 6 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you want to know, "Why this list? Read the first post on April 1, 2020.

55) I'm grateful for clothes designed for any weather condition or activity today.
56) I'm grateful for boots to wear in the snow and flip flops to wear on the beach.
57) I'm grateful for hats to shade my eyes from the sun and keep the rain out.
58) I'm grateful for gloves to keep my hands warm in the cold and to keep my hands dry when working with house paint.
59) I'm grateful for hiking shoes that make walking all types of terrain comfortable, nothing like a good fit shoe.
60) I'm grateful for socks, not only to keep my feet dry and warm on a cold day but to use as a hand puppet to entertain small children or reuse as a dust cloth when I lose the mate.
61) I'm grateful to have clean undergarments to put on each morning, this feels heavenly.
62) I'm grateful for tee shirts with clever sayings on them that make me laugh.
63) I'm grateful for sweatshirts to layer over tees to peel off as the day warms up.
64) I'm grateful for running shorts, yoga pants, and the perfect fit tennis shoe that makes exercising so enjoyable when you have the right fit.

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Have fun moving your body and enjoying the benefits of a healthier immune system.  Add anything you are grateful for to the list in the comment section.

Arctic Clothing: Extreme Cold Weather Gear for Women

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day 5 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~List to 300

If you want to know, 'Why this list?" read the first post on April 1, 2020.

45) I'm grateful for differing opinions that are calmly discussed among any group of people.
46) I'm grateful for cooler heads that prevail in disagreements.
47) I'm grateful for the ability to choose my engagement in any disagreement.
48) I'm grateful to know when to keep silent when there is no solution in sight for either of us, yet.
49) I'm grateful to finally know to mind my own business and set boundaries so as not to be drawn into others' drama.
50) I'm grateful to step back and let others have their say while I listen.
51) I'm grateful I have learned much patience over the years to listen to another's point of view that keeps me open to good ideas and inspires cooperation between us both.
52) I'm grateful for opposing views expressed calmly that help us all expand our understanding.
53) I'm grateful for being open and kind in stressful situations to remain emotionally centered.
54) I'm grateful to know tomorrow is another day, and we can rest and renew, ready to take on the challenges that belong there, not today, now.

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

This post was inspired by a conversation with a good friend that spoke with me recently. That friend and I have different views for sure. Thankful for strongly opinionated friends that stand up for what they believe without division among one another.

Thomas Jefferson quote: I never considered a difference of opinion ...

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Day 4 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days~ List to 300

If you want to know, "Why this list?" read the first post on April 1, 2020.

34) I'm grateful for my legs to carry me where I need to go.
35) I'm grateful for public parks to walk in for an exercise in warm weather and cold.
36) I'm grateful to ride a bike if I choose because I can.
37) I'm grateful for bike trails created for my safety and yours.
38) I'm grateful for bridges that have bike lanes across them for pedestrians and bikers to cross.
39) I'm grateful for traveling through towns on a bike trip to see nature up close and meet new people.
40) I'm thankful for backpacks to carry healthy snacks and extra water should I need it on the way.
41) I'm grateful for the tingling in my limbs after a day of bike riding that leaves me exhausted but excited to wake up and do it again tomorrow.
42) I'm excited about showers or a river to jump in to cool off and take a dip, to clean up before traveling on down the road.
43) I'm grateful for kind people that let me fill up my water bottles from their yard hose.
44) I'm grateful for people that let me sleep in their yard overnight as I travel to my next destination by bike.

Are you getting the hang of it? I bet you are, keep creating your own list and read it out loud often to stay focused and calm when you're not. With practice this can work, discipline, daily discipline is key to freedom.

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Catrike Eola - David's World Cycle | Florida

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Day 3 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days~ List to 300

If you want to know, "Why this list?" Go read the first post on April 1, 2020.
23) I'm grateful for my bed.
24) I'm grateful for the room in the bed to spread out with no one to hog the covers.
25) I'm grateful for a silent room to meditate and go to sleep in.
26) I'm grateful for the dark sky and moon to gaze upon before I go to sleep.
27) I'm grateful for soft, soft, blankets to cuddle in and be warm as I sleep.
28) I'm grateful for the fan by my bed to cool the air as I snuggle deep in a soft bed.
29) I'm grateful for going unconscious long enough to forget the troubles of the day.
30) I'm grateful to know tomorrow is another day and as far as I know now, the sun will rise.
31) I'm grateful to turn my natural oil diffuser on to send soothing aromas in the room to promote sleep through the night.
32) I'm grateful to turn my white noise machine on to tune out the sounds of trucks and cars that travel in the night.
33) I'm grateful for a cup of water by my bed should I need a sip in the night.

What are you grateful for in your room?  Your life is a gift. Grateful you are here.

The 8 Best Soft Mattresses Available in 2020 - Reviews and Ratings

Day 2 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days~ List to 300

If you want to know "Why these lists?" Go back to the first post that explains it on April 1, 2020.
11) I'm grateful I can taste good coffee.
12) I'm grateful for the coffee bean plantation planters and harvesters.
13) I'm grateful for the people that package and ship it from tropical climates to other continents.
14) I'm grateful for the truck drivers that carry it across the country to cargo bins for distribution to stores.
15) I'm grateful for the many stores that stock coffee to serve or sell beans, to take home so I can make a cup at my leisure to enjoy whenever I want it.
16) I'm grateful for coffee bean grinders, hand crank or electric to make coffee taste fresh every cup I make.
17) I'm grateful for beautiful coffee cups/mugs to hold the coffee, these make me smile.
18) I'm thankful to close my eyes and breathe in the coffee aromas as I sip.
19) I'm grateful for 'hazelnut' coffee the flavor is so satisfyingly good.
20) I'm grateful for a French press, Keurig, electric percolator to make the coffee.
21) I'm grateful for sitting outside enjoying nature while I taste the relaxing dark liquid called coffee.
22) I'm grateful to share a cup with a friend, even if we are apart and talk on the phone while we each drink a cup of joe.

I went over the ten for "TEN grateful things per day," sorry about that. Sometimes I get so thankful I can't stop thinking grateful things.

What can you add to the list today?
Your life is a gift to the world. I'm so grateful you are here.

Brewing the Perfect Cup of Coffee - Wylie J's Coffee

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Gratefulness Day 1 to 30 days, List of 300

Today I start a process for 30 days of something I have mastered that has changed my life for the better.

When I had a victim mentality I could point fingers at situations and people for everything wrong in my life. This made me angrier and frightened, this made me inactive and trapped.  I learned new ways to help myself, take personal action, and stop the fear.

Now don't misunderstand me, there are circumstances beyond your control that can cause havoc in your well being but when this is your reality you must remember two things:

1)  Time changes everything and opens up new opportunities, you cannot stop time, you cannot speed up time, so let it pass without added stress because of inpatient thoughts in you.

2)  Write, read out loud, and imagine a walk in nature, (even in your mind, looking at a picture, etc.) while reading your gratefulness list.


Read it every time you get angry or sad. Do it if you don't FEEL like it, feelings do not get you up and going when you need it. But taking control of your mind and actions will make you move!

So to tip-off how easy this is, I will write 10 things every day this month until the 30 days have passed. Tune in to ~The Quail Writer ~ to see how easy the list can grow, once you learn to do this by habit, you are on your way to emotional wellness.

The point of this is to help my readers help themselves by becoming grateful every day instead of being fearful and angry. First, if you need an example to get you started, you can absolutely borrow my list.  Enjoy your life. It gets better. Trust the wisdom of the elders, "This too will pass."

Day 1:
1) I'm grateful for air to breathe.
2) I'm grateful for the lungs to breathe air.
3) I'm grateful for a respiratory system to carry oxygen to my cells to keep these healthy.
4) I'm grateful for white blood cells to attack any disease in my body and surround the toxin.
5) I'm grateful for an elimination system to exit the toxins from my body every day.
6) I'm grateful for water to clean my body every day.
7) I'm grateful for water to drink to flush my body every day of toxins.
8) I'm grateful for knowing not to smoke to keep lungs healthy and not smoking because I love my body and want to take care of it.
9) I'm grateful to be capable to learn to control my mind as well as my body to be the best version of me possible every day.
10) I'm grateful for the will of a champion in me to keep going no matter what comes.

Feel free to add positive things in the comments, you are grateful for every day this month.
All is well and all will be well. Chin up, one foot in front of the other, keep going. Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

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