Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 15 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you want to know, 'Why the list?" Go to the April 1, 2020 post.

*By now you are bound to see that you CAN choose to focus on things you are grateful for instead of things you are afraid of. When I began this journey to give myself personal power I thought to be grateful was something I already knew how to do because I religiously prayed. But repetitive daily recitations of prayers and positive affirmations did not work for me. I did not have actual feelings of appreciation and so I remained trapped with my anger and victim mentality. I had to find another way to think.

Children come to the conclusion there is only ONE way because children do not have the ability to critically think through a problem or the wisdom to see the outcomes. That wisdom comes from life experience and your elders. If the elders in your life taught you nothing you will need to find your own tools. You have no choice but to teach yourself. I chose to change me to be more positive by reading books. To grow up is to KNOW there is always another way, a better way if you keep seeking, you will find it. 

You decide what works for you. You will anyway, you will live the life you choose every day for the rest of your life until you change your direction by making better choices. It begins in the mind with thoughts you focus on 24/7.

Are you getting the rhythm of this? Do you find it helpful?

Today's list was a challenge I set before me to see what 10 things I could come up with, bones.

151) I'm grateful for my bones.
152) I'm grateful for strong bones that frame my body and give it shape to move.
153) I'm grateful for bones discovered in archeological digs to form dinosaur skeletons to study animal forms and the evolution.
154) I'm grateful for human bones found that can be reconstructed to give an artistic rendition of the actual face for finding the truest likeness of a face of historical note.
155) I'm grateful for human body bones that forensic scientists study to find causes of death.
156) I'm grateful for deer antlers found in the woods that are interesting to study to determine the age of the buck by guessing.
157) I'm grateful to see the humongous tusks displayed on an elephant in the wild.
158) I'm grateful for soft fontanels in a baby's head to protect the small brain before the bones fuse around a fully-formed adult brain.
159) I'm grateful for bone marrow that manufactures red blood cells, white blood cells, lymphocytes, and platelets that build our immune system.
160) I'm grateful for teeth that show a smile. (With or without teeth a smile is fun to see on any face.)

Did you know there's are around 270 "bones/cartilage" in the human body at birth and through a fusion of cartilage over time the average adult has 206 bones as an adult? Also, although teeth are part of the skeletal system, teeth are not considered bones because teeth do not have marrow that produces the above mentioned. I did not know that! Thanks, scientists for clarifying that for me.

Now the scientific theory that humans evolved is somewhat applicable. Did humans evolve from apes?  You decide, what theory makes you feel safe and confident without stress? Believe that. Whatever makes you calm in your mind enough to remain peaceful with yourself and others is key. No need to argue over such an insignificant detail. Moving forward, a variety of opinions is the spice of life and is the stimulus for scientists to research.  The belief is not as important as peaceful cooperation to agree to disagree. One must admit from the skeletal observation there are similarities.

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Skeltons Stock Photos & Skeltons Stock Images - Alamy

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