Thursday, April 30, 2020

Day 30 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300 Plus Ten

If you are wondering, "Why the list? Read April 1, 2020 post.

The Quail Writer is a freedom-loving person. My fantasy is that people worldwide will be free to choose their way of life that does no harm.  I'm so darn rebellious, opinionated, disagreeable, and kindhearted that I'm thankful to be born in the U.S.A. and live among peaceful people.  There is no guarantee I would be alive in other countries with my out-spoken rebellious individual views especially because I am a woman.  Over the years  I have heard many stories from friends that immigrated here to escape poverty and tyranny. These stories along with the intense thankfulness of these immigrants now to be legal American citizens has never left my memory.

The voices of these immigrants are sharper than a razor's edge to alert them to any law that this government begins to put in motion that reminds them of the regime they left behind.
Yikes! There have been many objections made by these freedom-loving immigrants to alert my ears to such laws that impede on "We, the people" self-sovereignty and personal freedoms.

Americans simply accept these laws because we are good law-abiding people that love our families, communities, our neighbors, and country, and we expect the elected public servants to be the same as us. We do not agree with every policy on the agenda of elected public servants but that is why "We, the people" can VOTE these public servants out of office when we disagree with their policies.

Sadder still is to see the angry confused youth of this country that do not know the reasons this country was formed or how to take positive actions to make a difference. These youth do not know the incredible document we are governed by, the U.S. Constitution, nor their individual rights. The youth focus on the history of the life they did not live instead of focusing on the purpose of the people that fought to give them the freedoms of today.

Suggested reading by author Steven Pinker is his book titled:
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress.

The U.S.A. gives more opportunities today for women to excel in business, education, and personal freedom than ever before. If you are a legal citizen, you have the right to choose your religious beliefs so religion need not stop you here, cultural backgrounds need not stop you here, being a woman need not stop you here, socio-economic background need not stop you here, being a person of no title need not stop you here, we have no caste system or separation from the elected public servants, there is no "written" division of individual worth in our U.S. Constitution to prevent you from the pursuit of your personal goals or to feel less than anyone here if you are a legal citizen.

If you stop yourself from achieving here in these United States from being the best you can be, it is in your mind, because it is not in the original U.S. Constitution that this government is founded upon.

So I give you my final ten grateful items that I guide my personal life by as well as my public life. We can agree to disagree and cooperate without hatred to wish harm to another. Those barbaric days are passed in the minds of today's civilized peace-seeking people. It is time to move forward. There is much work to do to keep the democracy of this peaceful country balanced. We must VOTE our conscience for the public servants we elect next time. We VOTE, we do no harm to anyone. The elected public servants mean well but they need the help of "We, the people" to keep them in line with the country's U.S. Constitution.

It is "We, the people" that govern ourselves in these United States of America.

306) I'm grateful for the elected public servants that try to do the best they know for the American people to make this country better with every decision.
307) I'm grateful for the various "experts" that calculate, to the best of their abilities, accurate data (Although not standardized,) to provide elected public servants data to make better decisions to serve the American citizens.
308) I'm grateful for a democracy where "We, the people" can vote for the public servants we deem to be the best reflection of our personal goals to give the government balanced opinions to debate.
309) I'm grateful for the internet that offers many more facts for the American people to evaluate for themselves outside of mainstream media and opinions of the elected public servants, what laws actually ensure our individual freedoms when we move through any crisis.
310) I'm grateful for the good conscience of the elected public servants to guide them each day.
311) I'm grateful for the voices of good people the world over that use critical thinking skills they were born with to make freedom, health, and peace possible in their country too.
312) I'm grateful for good parents worldwide that want education and opportunity for their children and live with that focus daily to make that happen for future generations.
313) I'm grateful for immigrants that come here to provide a better life for themselves and their family left behind in a foreign country.
314) I'm grateful for immigrants that remind Americans that family unity is paramount in importance.
315) I'm grateful for every person in the world because I truly believe:

Your life is a gift to the world. How will you make it better for you, your family, and the world? The answer is inside you. Grateful you are here. 

**Now it is your turn to keep the "Grateful attitude" going every day until better days arrive. You can do it, I did.  Write the list out every day and reread it often, be careful, your mind is listening to positives! Next start writing thank you cards and mail them to the intended. Yes, I do this as well and continue the practice today. I write ten cards a minimum every month. You decide how many you write, it is just a suggestion. Back to writing my first book.  😉

Immigration people on world map Royalty Free Vector Image

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