Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 13 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why this list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

131) I'm grateful for my eyes.
132) I'm grateful for my eyes that see color in the world. (Sunrise, sunset, mountains, trees, sky, etc.)
133) I'm grateful for my eyes to read road signs to navigate a car.
134) I'm grateful for my eyes that see clearly after laser surgery. (Or with bifocals myopically)
135) I'm grateful for my eyes to read books, news, articles, etc. that open my mind and heart to be knowledgeable about everything I question in the world.
136) I'm grateful for my eyes to see people and look for ways to be kind to others.
137) I'm grateful for my eyes to see children smile, their smiles make my day.
138) I'm grateful for my eyes that watch a child's eyes widen when their mind is opened because they understand after I taught something they were curious about or did not know before.
139) I'm grateful for the ability to look at any stressful situation and find a way to help, sometimes the best way to help is to be present and say nothing. (This silent action takes wisdom)
140) I'm grateful for my eyes to see my Sweetheart every day, his sparkling eyes that light up when I enter a room, his beautiful hands that are working to serve his family every day, and his gorgeous natural teeth that give him such a friendly smile. (I love beautiful hands and teeth in anyone, Ok, you caught me, my husband is one good-looking man to me)

Your life is a gift to the world. What are you grateful to see every day? Grateful you are here.

Two Eyes Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

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