Sunday, April 19, 2020

Day 19 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why the list?" read April 1, 2020 post of the blog.

193) I'm grateful for leaves.
194) I'm grateful for spring leaves that begin as the bud of a bush or tree to let me know warmer weather is near.
195) I'm grateful for autumn leaves that have many colors to admire on an autumn drive.
196) I'm grateful for dry leaves gathered to start a campfire.
197) I'm grateful for wood furniture leaves to put in the middle of a table to make the table larger to seat more family and guests at a holiday dinner.
198) I'm grateful for artificial leaves in plants to add life to a room in my house.
199) I'm grateful for leaf shape jewelry to wear in a bracelet, necklace, earrings or ring.
200) I'm grateful for leaves sculpted and painted on a porcelain flower vase.
201) I'm grateful for leather leaves sewn on a beautiful pair of shoes.
202) I'm grateful for embroidered leaves on clothing and coats that make a coat unique in design.

I'm grateful when the last of the fallen leaves are raked and taken to the woods to clear the lawn. What legacy will you 'leave' for us to remember the best part of you? 

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here. 

Women's Elite Brown Leather Sandals Leaf Style 8 -

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