Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 22 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, 'Why the list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

223) I'm grateful for gravity to bring me down when I skydive. (If I flew up, up, and away, I would freeze and suffocate.)
224) I'm grateful for the song, "Gravity" that John Mayer wrote! One of my favorites!
225) I'm grateful that gravity keeps the moon orbiting the earth so we can watch it.
226) I'm grateful that gravity keeps us at the correct distance from the sun for the correct temperature to grow our plants.
227) I'm grateful that gravity keeps the atmosphere here to have air to breathe and circulate water to make rainfall.
228) I'm grateful for gravity to give us the force of the weight to do push-ups for resistance to exercise and stay healthy.
229) I'm grateful for gravity to keep a golf ball on earth or we would never retrieve it!
230) I'm grateful for gravity to hold the planet earth together and not blow apart.
231) I'm grateful for gravity to keep the water going down so we can wash everything.
232) I'm grateful for gravity that keeps a car on the road when driving fast around a curve.

Now that an invisible force has my feet safely planted on the ground, (no assistance needed from me) it's my job to get my head out of the clouds and find reasons to think positive thoughts and be thankful for the life I have every day. 

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Yes, I did skydive on my 50th birthday, I loved it.

Skydive Saratoga - IAD and Tandem Skydiving in Saratoga

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