Saturday, April 18, 2020

Day 18 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why the list?" read April 1, 2020 post of the blog.

181) I'm grateful for heat.
182) I'm grateful for a warm sauna on a winter day, it feels marvelous.
183) I'm grateful for the oven that bakes casseroles, loaves of bread, and other yummy foods.
184) I'm grateful for a heating blanket when snuggling down in bed.
185) I'm grateful for a heating pad for sore muscle relief and warming up feet.
186) I'm grateful for heat in a house in winter.
187) I'm grateful for heat in a car.
188) I'm grateful for heat from the sun to give us a beautiful tan and provide Vitamin D to our immune system naturally.
189) I'm grateful for a heated in-ground pool to swim in comfort year-round.
190) I'm grateful for warm rivers, creeks, and ponds to swim in for relaxation and fun.
191) I'm grateful for a blow dryer to dry hair and other uses quickly. (Art paint, etc.)
192) I'm grateful for the heat that kills harmful viruses or bacteria.

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here. What will you give to expand the knowledge of the world we live? You have much more than you know, look within. What are you grateful for? There is much around you now. Focus on those and fear has to disappear. Try it.

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