Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Gratefulness Day 1 to 30 days, List of 300

Today I start a process for 30 days of something I have mastered that has changed my life for the better.

When I had a victim mentality I could point fingers at situations and people for everything wrong in my life. This made me angrier and frightened, this made me inactive and trapped.  I learned new ways to help myself, take personal action, and stop the fear.

Now don't misunderstand me, there are circumstances beyond your control that can cause havoc in your well being but when this is your reality you must remember two things:

1)  Time changes everything and opens up new opportunities, you cannot stop time, you cannot speed up time, so let it pass without added stress because of inpatient thoughts in you.

2)  Write, read out loud, and imagine a walk in nature, (even in your mind, looking at a picture, etc.) while reading your gratefulness list.


Read it every time you get angry or sad. Do it if you don't FEEL like it, feelings do not get you up and going when you need it. But taking control of your mind and actions will make you move!

So to tip-off how easy this is, I will write 10 things every day this month until the 30 days have passed. Tune in to ~The Quail Writer ~ to see how easy the list can grow, once you learn to do this by habit, you are on your way to emotional wellness.

The point of this is to help my readers help themselves by becoming grateful every day instead of being fearful and angry. First, if you need an example to get you started, you can absolutely borrow my list.  Enjoy your life. It gets better. Trust the wisdom of the elders, "This too will pass."

Day 1:
1) I'm grateful for air to breathe.
2) I'm grateful for the lungs to breathe air.
3) I'm grateful for a respiratory system to carry oxygen to my cells to keep these healthy.
4) I'm grateful for white blood cells to attack any disease in my body and surround the toxin.
5) I'm grateful for an elimination system to exit the toxins from my body every day.
6) I'm grateful for water to clean my body every day.
7) I'm grateful for water to drink to flush my body every day of toxins.
8) I'm grateful for knowing not to smoke to keep lungs healthy and not smoking because I love my body and want to take care of it.
9) I'm grateful to be capable to learn to control my mind as well as my body to be the best version of me possible every day.
10) I'm grateful for the will of a champion in me to keep going no matter what comes.

Feel free to add positive things in the comments, you are grateful for every day this month.
All is well and all will be well. Chin up, one foot in front of the other, keep going. Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

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