Thursday, April 23, 2020

Day 24 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why the list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

243) I'm grateful for rainforests.
244) I'm grateful for these "lungs" of the planet that take in incredible amounts of CO2 to make oxygen for the entire planet to help stabilize the earth's climate.
245) I'm grateful for the constant temperature of a rainforest 70 to 85 degrees, which provides a humid environment for delicate flowers such as orchids and many others.
246) I'm grateful for the rainfall that can be as much as 400 inches per year that is crucial to provide fresh drinking water for animals and humans.
247) I'm grateful for the foods a rainforest provides such as citrus, avocado, cashew, and brazil nuts.
248) I'm grateful for the spices a rainforest provides such as sugar and vanilla.
249) I'm grateful for the favorite drinks found in rainforests we humans enjoy such as coffee, tea, and cocoa, yum!
250) I'm grateful for the cleansing effect rainfall has on the atmosphere as it falls to the ground.
251) I'm grateful for the unique mammals that live in the rainforest such as jaguars, toucans, okapi, and sloths, etc.
252) I'm grateful for the insects and large butterflies that harbor there.
253) I'm grateful for the bamboo that grows in abundance that can be grown quickly to create flooring, cutting boards, blinds, paintbrushes, clothing, etc.
254) I'm grateful my husband took me to see a rainforest in Puerto Rico for our thirtieth anniversary, it was a honeymoon worth waiting for and we loved the people.

The rainforest was one of our favorite memories.

Your life is a gift to the world. You are as unique as the rainforest and as plentiful in ideas. What beneficial ideas will you share with the world? Grateful you are here, you are needed here too.

What is an okapi?

Okapi | mammal | Britannica

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