Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Day 29 ~Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you are wondering, "Why the list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

296) I'm grateful for true friends that understand to reciprocate personal boundaries with respect is to have a closer 'heart' relationship that lasts a lifetime
297) I'm grateful for true friends that are as excited to spend time with me as I am to spend time with them. (Although we are very busy, we make time to connect, this is true friendship. We may not have quantity of time but we have quality meaningful conversations when we do connect.)
298) I'm grateful for true friends that can have totally opposite viewpoints but still listen to another perspective with a view to discovering new avenues of ideas without the need to become angry or cut others off.  (This wisdom comes with age unless you are wise enough to learn it from the elders.)
299) I'm grateful for true friends that are tenacious about their cause but optimistic and open.
300) I'm grateful for true friendships that are balanced in reciprocity.

That is 300 and we did not need 30 Days!

Once you become grateful, you become peaceful and innovative ideas can arise in the mind because you are calm. When I discovered I was weak-minded by listening to the self-depredating words I told myself when I failed at anything, that made me not want to try again or the opposite, excessive anger from the arrogance that would arise when I was self-righteously angry, to blame circumstances or others.  Neither of these caused me to become closer to the successful outcome I sought...

I knew I had to change.

I was out of balance emotionally, caused by no emotional stop button, and a load of ego-centric pride. I had no control to slow down, think before I respond instead I reacted badly. I had no daily discipline of healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and positive thinking. This combined with out of bounds mental naivete through lack of secular scientific and medical information and ignorance of scientific facts crippled my critical thinking skills severely.

Manners were drilled into me but I had no confidence.

Ignorance is NOT bliss!

Today with access to information worldwide because of technology, 'Ignorance is a choice." The first step so easy one may dismiss the tremendous power, "Be grateful for what you have today."

So this "List to 300" is not a set of new tires under warranty, "300 or 30 Days" whichever comes first, it is a month of gratefulness.  (Back to 'True Friendship' list, five to go)

301) I'm grateful for true friends that don't crowd me but give me space, and likewise, I do the same for them.
302) I'm grateful for true friends that make time when I call him or her in a crisis so I may benefit from their voice of reason for advisement.
303) I'm grateful for true friends that offer to help when I have a project to do at home or work if available.
304) I'm grateful for true friends that enjoy their privacy as much as I do and have no need to be in contact with me every day. We know all is well with one another until we connect again. If we can get together for dinner, a hike, coffee, etc.we ask the other if it is in their schedule, we're busy.
305) I'm grateful for true friends that spend time together out of love, not duty.

What close friendships do you have that you treasure and make time for because you love that person?

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

Deconstructing the Meme, Volume 1: That Jefferson Quote

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