Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 16 ~Gratefuness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you want to know, 'Why the list?" Read the post on April 1, 2020.

161) I'm grateful for stars in the sky.
162) I'm grateful for astronomists that gage weather and seasons by the location of stars int the sky. This is phenomenal scientific research begun in an age when powerful telescopes had not been invented. Scientists KNOW stuff and write it to share with us that want to know too!
163) I'm grateful for the North star being constant so lost travelers can find their way home. I have used the North star to find my way when lost in the woods, it works.
164) I'm grateful for shooting stars that make lying out at night a fun game to play with children.
165) I'm grateful for scientists that predict meteor showers' dates, so my husband and I can lie outside in the driveway with our binoculars and watch these for hours for great fun in the middle of the night in our lounge chair with blankets. He's a fun date!
166) I'm grateful for the light the planets/stars give to a dark backdrop.
168) I'm grateful for the "Milky Way" and the aurora borealis that inspires in us the wonder of the natural world.
169) I'm grateful for stars that line up in the same formation to be named an animal by those astronomers of old that found the formation to be consistent.
170) I'm grateful for science that predicts an eclipse so my Sweetheart and I can make an impromptu trip down to Tennessee, at his suggestion, to see it. We saw a total eclipse August 21, 2017 in Spring City, TN. There were no rooms available so we slept in our car at a truck stop and found a public baseball field to park and watch. Good times! We met good people from all over the USA. My Sweetheart is so much fun! People are fun!

Your life is a gift to the world. Grateful you are here.

SPRING CITY TENNESSEE Solar Eclipse Souvenir Gift T Shirt-CL

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