Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day 11 ~ Gratefulness for 30 Days ~ List to 300

If you want to know, "Why the list?" Read April 1, 2020 post.

111) I'm grateful for fans.
112) I'm grateful for cardboard fans on popsicle sticks to fan myself in church when I was young and at the picnic outside after.
113) I'm grateful for a beautiful oriental fan I bought at an antique store 40 years ago that have sterling silver diamond-shaped ornaments on the silk fan, this fan causes me to enjoy the beauty of the craftsmanship in it.
114)  I'm grateful for overhead fans at beach resorts that swirl the cool air around the room and over the bed for a comfortable night's sleep and the beautiful overhead fans in our house that do the same.
115) I'm grateful for fans in the cars that move hot air out to keep us warm in freezing Northern months and that same fan that moves cold air out in the car to keep us cool in the summer.
116) I'm grateful for a portable fan to set near an art piece to dry the paint quickly for a show.
117) I'm grateful for hair dryers that dry our hair quickly when we need it.
118) I'm grateful for small table fans to sit by my bed at night and give me a cool breeze, especially enjoyed these during the "hot flash years," ladies you know what I mean, and husbands you do too.
119) I'm grateful for overhead fans that entertained our babies as they pointed at them while holding their bottle relaxing in their carrier rocker on the floor, which gave me extra minutes to do a task at home.
120) I'm grateful for fans of a heater that I can move around the room to dry a paper floor I put down in the art studio to move the project along to completion. There are many steps to putting a paper floor down and one cannot rush the next step before the current one is completely dry or you will have a mess. I know, I have spent hours repairing unforeseen mistakes. I could write a blog about this now for sure. By George, I think I will!

Sidebar:  The exclamation "By George" is old, first recorded in the 16th century it is a substitute to "God" as are words like "Golly," "Ginger," "Gosh," "Gum," and other similar euphemistic words.

Your life is a gift to the world, Grateful you are here. Enjoy your life it is the only life you have now.
Magnificent Antique Tiffany & Co. Point de Gaze and Mother of image 6

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